Newcastle Disease Hits Japan

JAPAN - An outbreak of Newcastle disease has occurred in Tonami City, resulting in the destruction of 8,700 birds.
calendar icon 8 March 2007
clock icon 2 minute read

The Livestock Hygiene Service Centre ran laboratory tests for the virus on the 28th of February. As feared the results came back positive. There were 120 confirmed cases of Newcastle disease and local authorities took the decision to cull the remaining 8530 birds susceptible.

Place Of Infection The last time this disease occurred was in May 2006. So far, this recent outbreak has been localized to a single farm, but according to a report from the OIE, the outbreak status is unresolved and continuing. With the source of infection inconclusive it is difficult to tell where this disease might strike next.

It is believed that the local authorities have taken the necessary steps to avoid further contamination of this disease. Vaccinations have been permitted, the establishment has been disinfected and movement inside the country is being controlled. Only time will tell if these measures have been in vain.

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