AFBF Urges Congress to Pass Latin America FTAs
US - It’s time for Congress to take action and support the Latin America free trade agreements, said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman today. In a press conference with Department of Agriculture Acting Secretary Chuck Conner and various commodity organizations, Stallman urged Congress to pass the Peru, Colombia and Panama Trade Promotion Agreements.
"These three agreements would increase U.S. agricultural trade by almost $1.5 billion once fully implemented," said Stallman, "These gains would be spread across all sectors of U.S. agriculture, from livestock to fiber and from grains and oilseeds to fruits and vegetables."
Farm Bureau’s goal is to increase U.S. agriculture exports and increase market share in the net food importing countries of Latin America, which would increase U.S. agriculture’s competitive advantage with third-country competitors in the three markets.
After full implementation of the agreements, all U.S. agricultural exports would enter the market duty-free. These same Latin America countries already enjoy duty-free access to the U.S. on agricultural products through the Andean Trade Preference Act and Caribbean Basin Initiative.
"Peru, Colombia and Panama are opening their doors to U.S. agriculture," said Stallman. "Congress should not deny U.S. farmers this significant trade opportunity."