First UK Carbon-Neutral Egg Ahead

UK - Lakes Free Range Egg Company is aiming to become the first UK carbon-neutral, sustainable egg packing operation.
calendar icon 10 January 2011
clock icon 3 minute read

Always trying to be at the forefront of innovation, the company is installing modern technologies and equipment to make it more effective and sustainable. By February 2011, most of this will be in place and Lakes Free Range Egg Co.also hopes to have some other exciting news too.

The company says: "We've been developing our plans for three years, aiming specifically at ways to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2013. One of the added benefits of our changes is that it will also speed up our packing process by 60 per cent, improving our quality control and making us a much more versatile operation.

"We have always been innovators in the world of free range egg production so we see this as just another natural progression, it is pioneering and enhances our ethical credentials. More importantly, it will be a real benefit for supermarkets that will be looking for more ethical, sustainable and environmental benefits for their customers.

"In the future, we will be heated with solid fuel, using trees from our sustainably planted chicken ranges and factory waste, with ground source geothermal heating for domestic areas.

"We think one of key innovations is the new building management system – it involves automating all electrical and mechanical systems. There will not be a single light switch in the entire building; if the building senses there is no one in an area or in the building it shuts that area down. This is far more efficient than relying on people to switch lights off!

"Other features which help us cut GHG emissions include using insulation on all walls and roofs that's up to 300mm thick, prolific use of photovoltaic cells for solar power and rainwater harvesting for non food critical site use. We have also introduced state of the art LED lighting using 70 per cent less energy than normal.

"At the Lakes Free Range Egg Company, we already have one of the lowest carbon footprints in the industry. Combined with strong ethical credentials, this latest innovative development has helped us raise the bar in ethical egg production for the future. We are, of course, very grateful for the help and support we have had along the way – especially to the ERDP (England Rural Development Programme) who have part funded our plans to modernise and reduce carbon emissions."

Formore infomration on Lakes Free Range Egg Co., click here.

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