Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2011
Proceedings of the Symposium, which was held at the University of Sydney on 14 to 16 February 2011.The Symposium was organised by the Poultry Research Foundation of the University of Sydney and the Australian branch of the World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA).
To view the full papers, please click on the link at the end of this article.
- The Significant Contribution of John. L. Barnett to Poultry Welfare Research - G.M. Cronin, P.C. Glatz and P.H. Hemsworth
Management of Bird Health through Good Nutrition
- Crude Protein 'Requirement' and Maintenance of the Intestine - E.T. Moran – Auburn University, USA
- Correlation between Variable Broiler Performance and Gene Expression and Microflora in the Gut - R.J. Moore, D.Stanley, B.M. Konsak, V.R. Haring, R.J. Hughes, M.S. Geier and T.M. Crowley – CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australia
- Caecal Microflora Composition of Broilers Fed Sorghum Diets Containing Feed Enzymes - H.M.S. Faizah, A. Maguire, K. Harper, A. Sultan, X. Li, A.V. Klieve and W.L Bryden – University of Queensland, Australia
- Quantitative Analyses of Genes Associated with Mucin Production and Host Inflammatory Response of Broiler Chickens with Induced Necrotic Enteritis - R.E.A. Forder, G.S. Nattrass, M.S. Geier, R.J.Hughes and P.I. Hynd – University of Adelaide, Australia
- Phytate and the Thermodynamics of Water - A.J. Cowieson and N.P. Cowieson – University of Sydney, Australia
- Effects of Nutrition on Water Intake and Litter Moisture on Broiler Chickens - K.H. Huang, C. Kemp and C. Fisher – Aviagen Inc. USA
- Calcium and Phosphorus Requirements in Broilers and Laying Hens - R. Angel – University of Maryland, USA
- Challenges Facing the Global Poultry Industry until 2020 - A.M. Penz Jr and D.G. Bruno – Provimi America Latina, Brazil
- Utilising the Latest Developments in Animal Nutrition, Nutrigenomics, to Optimise the Antioxidant Status of Broilers - A. Leary and A. Kocher – Alltech Biotechnology, Thailand
- Growth Performance and Energy Utilisation of Broiler Chickens on Triticale-Based Diets - A.P. Widodo, J.V. Nolan and P.A. Iji – University of New England, Australia
- Effects of a Commercial Pellet Binder and Moisture Addition on Pellet Quality and, the Performance and Nutrient Utilisation of Broilers - M.R. Abdollahi, D.V. Thomas, T.J. Webster, G. Ravindran and V. Ravindran – Massey University, New Zealand
- Predicting Variations in Total and Phytate Phosphorus in Raw Materials of Plant Origin - C.G. Olnood, Y.G. Liu and C. Gady – Adisseo Asia Pacific, Singapore
- Maturation of Fowl Sperm Binding Capacity to the Epithelium of the Sperm Storage Tubules and Longevity in the Male Reproductive Tract - M.U. Ahammad, C. Nishino, H. Tatemoto, S. Okamoto, Y.Kawamoto and T. Nakada – University of Ryukyus, Japan
- Scope for the High Inclusion of Sorghum Distillers' Dried Grains with Solubles in Broiler Chicken Diets - M.R. Barekatain, M. Choct and P.A. Iji – University of New England, Australia
- Responsiveness of High Screenings and Commercial Cereal Grains to a Blend of Xylanase and Phytase Enzyme Products - R.J. Hughes, M.S. Geier, J.L. Black, A.M. Tredrea, S. Diffey and S. G. Nielsen – SARDI, Australia
- The Response of a Combines NSP-Degrading Enzyme and Phytase in Laying Hens Fed on Corn Based Diets - Y.G. Liu, C.G. Olnood, P. Dalibard and P. Geraert – Adisseo Asia Pacific, Singapore
- Dietary Enzyme Combinations Improve Sorghum Ileal Protein and Starch Digestibility During the Broiler Starter Phase - A.Sultan, C.Y. Gan, X. Li, D. Zhang and W.L. Bryden – University of Queensland, Australia
- Dietary Enzymes Modulate Sorghum Starch Digestion Kinetics in Broilers - A.Sultan, C.Y. Gan, X. Li, D. Zhang and W.L. Bryden – University of Queensland, Australia
- Effect of Phytic Acid and pH on the Activation of Chicken Pepsinogen In Vitro - N. Liu and A.J. Cowieson – Henan University of Science and Technology, China
- Effects of Microbial Phytase on Nutrient Digestibility and Energy Utilisation in Young Broilers Fed Phosphorus-Adequate Diets - F. Zaefarian, L.F. Romero and V. Ravindran – Massey University, New Zealand
- Effect of a New Xylanase/Beta-Glucanase Enzyme Combination on the Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Wheat/Barley-Based Diet - A.Peron, A. Owusu-Asiedu and A. Kumar – Danisco Animal Nutrition, Singapore
Opportunities and Risks Associated with Modern Genotypes
- Selecting for Sustainability - D. Elfick – Aviagen International, Australia
- Alternative Genetics to Improve Egg Layer Efficiency - G.B. Parkinson and W. Stanhope – Livorno Consulting, Australia
Opportunities Arising from Welfare Issues
- The Relevance of Rapid Growth in Broilers to Management and Genetic Aspects of Ascites Syndrome - A.Cahaner – The Hebrew University, Israel
- The Relationship Between Shed Cleanliness and Hen Productivity - L.E. Edwards – University of Melbourne, Australia
- Minimising Weight Loss in New Broiler Hatchlings through Early Feeding of Trehalose - M.M. Bhuiyan, F. Gao, S.H. Chee and P.A. Iji – University of New England, Australia
- Further Investigation of Non-Invasive Measures of Stress in Laying Hen - J. Engel, T. Widowski, A. Tilbrook and P.H. Hemsworth- University of Melbourne, Australia
- Individual Variation in How Hens Interact with a Dust Substrate - S.M. Laine, G.M. Cronin, J.C. Petherick and P.H. Hemsworth – University of Melbourne, Australia
- Effects of Deprivation of a Preferred Resource, Social Contact or Dustbathing Substrate, on the Biological Functioning of Laying Hens - B.H. Stevens, A.J. Tilbrook and P.H. Hemsworth – University of Melbourne, Australia
- A Retrospective Study of the Impact of Injurious Pecking on Stress Response in Hens, Measured Via Egg Corticosterone - G.M. Cronin, J.A. Downing, T.H. Storey, S.S. Borg, B.N. Schirmer and J.L. Barnett – University of Sydney
Living with Sorghum
- Sorghum Grain Starch Digestibility: Effects of Particle Size and Enzyme Treatment - M. J. Gidley, A.M. Pluschke, P.A. Sopade, G.J.S. Al-Rabadi, A. Sultan, G.Y. Gan, X. Li, D. Zhang and W.L. Bryden- University of Queensland, Australia
- The Protein Quality of Sorghum - P.H. Selle – University of Sydney, Australia
Coping with Heat Stress
- A Reappraisal of the Potential of Dietary Fatty Acids to Ameliorate Heat Stress - P.B. Cronje – Cronje Consulting and Editing, Australia
- Use of Electrolytes for Birds – The Practice of Theory - S.A. Borges, J. de Oliveira, A.V. Fischer da Silva and T.T. dos Santos – University of Tuiuti do Parana, Brazil
- Genetic Approaches to Reducing Heat Stress Susceptibility in Broiler - A.Cahaner – The Hebrew University, Israel
- Highlights of Recent Research from University of Tuiuti do Parana - S.A. Borges, A.V. Fischer da Silva, M. Opalinksi, F.B. Costa, A.N. Paim, E.C.C. Oliveira, C. Rocha, L.N.E. Barrilli, S.C. Dassi, L.Pierri, F.L.P. Valle, A.K. Japp, N. Pugsley, M. Huber, C.L. Bicho – University of Tuiuti do Parana
- Effects of Different Supplemental Levels of Yeast SE on the Growth Performance and Stress-Related Parameters in Broiler Chickens Under - H. Qu, M. Zhange, Y.M. Guo, Y.Boad, K. Filer and A. Kocher – Alltech, Australia
Manipulating Broiler Growth Performance
Influence of Feed Form and Conditioning Temperature on the Performance and Nutrient Utilisation of Broiler Starters Fed Wheat-Based Diet - M.R. Abdollahi, T.J. Webster, D.V. Thomas, G. Ravindran and V. Ravindran – Massey University, New Zealand
Effect of Increased Levels of Lysine, Threonine and Methionine on Antibody Production against Newcastle Disease Under Normal Conditions and Heat Stress in Broilers - I.M. Eldaghayes, B. Elamary, A. Saleem, S.O. Al-Garib, M.A. Hamid – Alfateh University, Libya
Incubation can Affect Broiler Leg Strength - P.J. Groves and W.I. Muir – University of Sydney, Australia
In Vitro Assessment of Anti-Oxidative Activities in Rice Bran, Palm Kernel Meal, Soybean Meal and Corn Feed Ingredients - Y.M. Bao, K. Filer, J. Sanomwattanawong, N. Jantasila, H. Pandey and S. Congsagul – Alltech Asia Pacific, Thailand
- The Role of Dietary Fibre and Litter Type on Development of Necrotic Enteritis in Broiler Chickens Challenged with Clostridium perfringens - S.B. Wu, L.L. Mikkelsen, V.A. Torok, P.A. Iji, S. Setia and R.J. Hughes – University of New England, Australia
Viral and Bacterial Challenges to Poultry Production
- Vaccination against Fowl Cholera with Live and Inactivated Pasteurella Multocida Vaccines in a Meat Breeder Flock: A Case Report - C.A.W. Jackson – Biological Technology Transfer, Australia
- Influence of Egg Shell Translucency on Egg Shell Penetration by Bacteria - K.K. Chousalkar, P.Flynn, M. Sutherland, B.F. Cheetham and J.R. Roberts – Charles Sturt University, Australia
- Persistence of Anti-Salmonella Antibody in Egg Yolk Following Vaccination - S.M. Sharpe and P.J. Groves – Birling Avian Laboratories, Australia
- Viral Load, Shedding Rate and Lateral Transmission of Marek's Disease Vaccinal Virus (Rispens/CV1988) in SPF Chickens - T. Islam, K.G. Renz and S.W. Walkden-Brown – University of New England, Australia
- Use of Serratia marcescens for Feed Processing: Broiler Performance and Pathogenicity Assay - M.E. Mahata, A. Dharma, I. Ryanto and Y. Rizal – University of Andalas, Indonesia
- Salmonella Vaccination in Layers - P.J. Groves, S.M. Sharpe and W.I. Muir – University of Sydney, Australia
Further Reading
- | You can view the proceedings of the 22nd Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium by clicking here. |
updated April 2012