Best Practice in the Breeder House: Preventing floor eggs by Aviagen

Eggs laid on the floor (floor eggs) have a significantly higher risk of contamination and will reduce hatch and chick quality.
calendar icon 18 November 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

The ideal number of floor eggs is zero but it is reasonable to expect some eggs to be laid on the floor in every flock. If levels of floor eggs exceed two to three per cent across the life of a flock there is a problem.

Floor eggs will be much higher at the start of production but by peak production should be down to a level of one to two per cent.

The reasons for high floor egg levels should be investigated and action taken to resolve the issue.

Best practice for preventing floor eggs

The key to preventing floor eggs is
early training of birds to use the nests.
Prevention is better than cure.

Three key management tasks for preventing floor eggs:

1 Training – to get birds to use the nests
2 Environment – to keep birds in the nest

Remove alternative nesting sites – to
prevent birds laying on the floor

For more information on Best Practice management for the prevention of floor eggs visit Aviagen®'s website for Arbor Acres®, Indian River® and Ross®.

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