How to... Individually weigh broilers from 21-28 days onwards by Aviagen
The Broiler How To series provides practical, hands-on, step-by-step advice on key management topics for broilers.Individual bird weights should be taken at least weekly from 21 days of age.
Accurate average body weight and coefficient of variation (CV%) data are essential to estimate the correct age for processing and ensuring the maximum number of birds fall into the desired weight bands at depletion.
Aviagen Boiler How Tos:
This information is taken from Broiler How To 6- How to individually weigh broilers from 21-28 days onwards.
The Broiler How To series provides practical, hands-on, step-by-step advice on key management topics for broilers.
- How to set up a spot brooding circle
- How to set up whole-house brooding
- How to monitor temperature and relative humidity (RH)
- How to assess crop fill
- How to bulk weigh broilers between 0 and 21 days onwards
- How to individually weigh broilers from 21-28 days onwards.
Please visit or contact your local representative to get copies of the Broiler How To documents or to obtain further information.