Balancing Production and Welfare
By Jackie Wepruk, Faunus Consulting for Susan Church, Manager Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC) Association - This article provides an overview and link to a report on broiler chickens and complex animal care issues.
Broiler chickens have been selected for fast growth and efficient feed conversion. In 1976 it took 63 days for a broiler to reach a market weight of 2 kilos. In 2001 it took just 35 days. Improved growth and feed efficiency has resulted in:
Modern broilers require exceptional management to ensure bird health. “Birds are sensitive due to genetic selection for increased yields,” says Detlef Onderka an Alberta poultry pathologist.
Dr. Joy Mench, Department of Animal Science University of California suggests, “One might want to ask - is it acceptable to breed (or grow) a bird that has to be so carefully managed to stay healthy.” However, through careful management, plant condemnation rates (an indicator of bird health and well-being) have been reduced over the years, says Don Sungaard, an Alberta chicken producer.
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Source: Alberta Farm Animal Care - April 2003
- Birds make better use of feed materials, thereby reducing waste;
- Poultry meat is more affordable.
Modern broilers require exceptional management to ensure bird health. “Birds are sensitive due to genetic selection for increased yields,” says Detlef Onderka an Alberta poultry pathologist.
Dr. Joy Mench, Department of Animal Science University of California suggests, “One might want to ask - is it acceptable to breed (or grow) a bird that has to be so carefully managed to stay healthy.” However, through careful management, plant condemnation rates (an indicator of bird health and well-being) have been reduced over the years, says Don Sungaard, an Alberta chicken producer.
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Source: Alberta Farm Animal Care - April 2003