Developments in consumption, washing and marking of eggs
By the European Commission - Report from the Commission to the Council with regard to developments in consumption, washing and marking of eggs. Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1907/90 on certain marketing standards for eggs.
Table of Contents
1. Summary and Conclusions
This report replies to the request from the Council to examine egg consumption trends and the
questions of egg hygiene, washing and marking to identify producer and production method.
Based amongst other on ad-hoc expert group meetings and data collected from trade
organisations and Member States, it describes consumption and marketing patterns with
regard to eggs from different farming methods and aims to identify and propose possible
measures to adapt the common marketing standards for eggs.
The report arrives at the following conclusions and recommendations:
In order both to improve traceability of eggs and information of consumers the stamping of table eggs with a code designating the producer’s distinguishing number and permitting the farming method to be identified should be implemented as from 1 January 2004 as provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 5/2001 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1907/90.
In order to facilitate control of egg sales in local markets, also eggs sold by producers from their own production in these markets should be stamped.
Washing of table eggs under strict surveillance should be authorised for a transitional period of three years for packing establishments which on 1 June 2003 had been approved to this end. The European Food Safety Authority should prepare a comprehensive scientific report on washing of table eggs by 31 December 2005.
The Commission will promote campaigns run by professional organisations aiming at information of consumers about the new rules for egg marking.
The Commission will adapt Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91 with a view to provide, on the one hand, for sufficient flexibility in particular for small producers on the question where eggs should be stamped (farm or packing centre) and, on the other hand, for additional guarantees to prevent fraudulent practices in trade at the level of producers, packers and wholesalers.
The Commission will also propose adaptations to Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91 concerning identification marking of establishments (collectors, packing centres) and will take the necessary measures to avoid any overlapping between marketing standards and future Community rules on hygiene in particular as regards the approval of such establishments.
Source: European Commission - 6th August 2003