EuroTier 2012 Preview: Focus on Poultry
The international trade show for the livestock sector, EuroTier, will be held once again in November, including a particular focus on the poultry industry, entitled 'World Poultry Show', as well as a wide range of exhibits of general interest to producers and a full conference programme.According to the organiser, DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft; German Agricultural Society), EuroTier 2012 is the only international exhibition in Europe for professional animal production that covers all sectors of the industry comprehensively – cattle, pig and poultry farming as well as aquaculture. Compared to the 2010 event, there will be 30 per cent more show space and 400 additional exhibits at EuroTier 2012, which will be held from 13 to 16 November at the world's largest Exhibition Grounds in Hanover, Germany - a convenient location for business contacts to Eastern and Western Europe but also the forum for all members of the industry throughout the world.
In response to the additional demand on the part of exhibitors, DLG has integrated six further halls, undertaken changes in the hall allocations and improved the exhibition key areas concept. This will make it easier for visitors from all over the world to compare the products and innovations in their specific fields of interest.
The poultry sector will be concentrated in Halls 8 and 9. Halls 11 and 12 will cover the pig sector and the cattle sector will be located in Halls 13, 25 and 27. The programme for the cross-species sectors is based in Halls 14, 15, 16, 17, 23 and 26, aquaculture in Hall 23, and BioEnergy Decentral chiefly in Halls 21, 22, 24 and partly in Halls 25 and 26.
The majority of the visitors are decision-makers from farming enterprises ready to invest. They are joined by large numbers of industrial buyers, consultants, dealers, veterinarians and academic and research staff.

World Poultry Show
In what the organisers promise to be this year's 'highlight of the international poultry industry', the World Poultry Show will again be part of EuroTier 2012.
For visitors from the poultry segment, DLG is promising synergies with the cross-species exhibition sectors, such as feed and feed storage, animal health and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) for animal housing, that are presented in a more comprehensive programme here than at any other exhibition.
Innovations and Trends at EuroTier 2012
EuroTier offers exhibitors the opportunity to introduce their latest innovations for machinery, equipment and farm inputs as well as for management of professional animal husbandry. This year, with 300 innovations submitted by a total of 182 exhibitors from 23 countries, EuroTier has reached a new record.
For details of these innovations, click here.
Special 'Feed Gallery'
Europe's dairy, meat and egg production requires large quantities of high quality feeds. Their availability, quality and value for money significantly influence the profitability of animal husbandry, animal health and the quality of products of animal origin. Furthermore, considerable environmental impacts are connected with the nutrient conversion of feeds into animal products or 'improvement' as it is known (consumption of natural resources, emissions). The wide range and broad basis of raw materials (feed materials) for animal husbandry are being shown to visitors in Hall 17 at EuroTier 2012, according to DLG.
The most important of the over 600 feedstuffs listed in EU feed law and Germany's positive list will be presented in a 'Feed Gallery' with a profile of their provenance and quality. In addition, selected topical questions concerning feed supply, quality and quality assurance as well as ecological effects will be addressed, broken down into the various feed groups. A further segment of the Special will demonstrate how raw materials for feeding productive animals are refined by means of hydrothermal treatment so that they can be used more efficiently, and how needs-driven and optimised feed rations or complete feeds result from the many different individual feedstuffs to be found in the broad feed base.
The 'Feed Gallery' Special will allow expert visitors to get to know new and uncommon feedstuffs more closely and to find answers to their own questions regarding the quality and suitability of certain feedstuffs.
Animal Welfare Info Centre
With its 'Animal Welfare Info Centre', DLG is for the first time offering a discussion platform on socially critical topics at EuroTier 2012. Two round-table discussion panels with professional presenters will be held daily in Hall 26.
The panels will include both experts and representatives of social groupings. These discussion events will be supplemented by information islands on the subject of animal welfare in animal husbandry and management. All this will provide exhibition visitors with topical and practical knowledge about the many aspects of the focal theme of animal welfare and be able to share ideas about the best solutions with experts.
BioEnergy Decentral
The integration of BioEnergy Decentral into the agricultural setting of EuroTier has been a resounding success. The whole bandwidth of technological developments in the fields of bioenergy, renewable energies, machinery and equipment and concepts addressing all aspects of decentralised energy supply will be shown in separate exhibition halls. Here, DLG collaborates closely with VDMA Power Systems and the Association of Local Utilities (VKU).
bpt Veterinarian Congress and 'Veterinary Medicine Exhibition'
For the third time, the bpt (Bundesverband Praktizierender Tierärzte; Federal Association of Practising Veterinarians) will be holding its annual congress and associated specialist exhibition, Veterinary Medicine, at the Exhibition Grounds in Hanover, overlapping with EuroTier.
The record participation by veterinarians at both the bpt Congress and EuroTier at the last event in 2010 clearly underscores the synergies. For veterinarians, both events with their own specific information programmes are indispensable and can be managed efficiently with just one trip.
International Technical Programme
Last but by no means least, DLG has organised a attractive technical programme with information, discussion forums and international conferences on topical animal husbandry issues will complement the technical exhibits presented by the exhibitors.
EuroTier will represent a forum for all aspects of professional animal husbandry, says DLG. Together with partners from the fields of business, academia, consultancy, trade associations and organisations, DLG is presenting a comprehensive technical programme again this year too to complement offerings by exhibitors. This includes international conferences and events on current trends and key developments in the industry.
International Poultry Day will be held on 12 November 2012 with a lecture conference organised by the Central Association of German Poultry Producers (ZDG), the European Poultry Club (EPC) and DLG entitled '10 Years of European Poultry Production – Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow'. This will be followed by the International EuroTier Poultry Event.
EuroTier will take place at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds on 13 to 16 November 2012.
For more information about all aspects of the show, click here for the English language version of the EuroTier 2012 web site; other language options can be accessed by clicking here.
November 2012