Fly Control in the poultry house
By Joe G. Berry, Extension Poultry Specialist, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service - Fly control should be an integral part of every poultry producer’s management program. Flies spread disease and filth, are a nuisance to employees, and can become problems for nearby farms and residences. As the number of producers decrease and the size of remaining poultry operations increase, larger units may provide the opportunity for flies to concentrate and therefore create even larger problems.Species of Flies
Several different species of flies may be found around broiler farms and laying houses in Oklahoma. The most common of these species are the little house fly ( Fannia species) and the house fly ( Musca domestica). In addition to these species, soldier flies, blow flies, black garbage flies, and stable flies may be present, however, they are not usually included in a control program for poultry operations.
Breeding Characteristics
The little house fly is smaller than the house fly, however,
the size difference is difficult to distinguish. Breeding sites for
the little house fly are drier than for the house fly and poultry
manure is preferred over most other materials. This fly prefers
shade and cooler temperatures and even circles aimlessly
beneath hanging objects in the poultry house, egg room, and
feed room. The little house fly is less likely to crawl on people
and food than is the house fly. lt is, however, usually the fly that
causes the most complaints from residents near the poultry
farm. Large numbers of these flies may gather in garages,
breezeways, and homes because of their preference for
The house fly is known to breed in many types of organic
material such as decaying plant material, spilled grain and
feed, and in all kinds of animal manure. ln caged layer houses
the manure is a very good location for breeding. In houses
where sanitation is poor and where water spills keep the
manure moist, fly breeding may especially be a problem. The
house fly prefers sunlight and is a very active fly, which crawls
over filth, people, and food. Because of these habits it is the
most important species from the standpoint of spreading
human and poultry diseases and fly-specking eggs.
Manure Management for Fly Control
Managing poultry manure in such a way that it becomes unattractive as a breeding site is an effective way to keep the fly population under control. All flies go through four life stages; egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs are deposited on the breeding media (frequently poultry manure) and larva (or maggots) hatch out in the moist or wet material where they remain until ready to pupate. Pupation may occur in a drier location than where the eggs hatch. Fresh poultry manure is approximately 60 to 80% moisture. If the moisture level can be reduced to approximately 30% flies will no longer find it an ideal site for laying eggs. Another method of making manure unattractive to flies is to add water and make the manure liquid.
Dry Manure
Dry manure has several advantages in a management
program. It is easier to handle, has less volume, and has less
odor than liquid manure. There are three recommended
methods of handling manure in a solid or dry form. The first
involves a floor system with litter material used as a floor
covering. For this system to work properly the litter must be
kept dry and, therefore, flies are not usually a problem.
A second method, used for caged layers, is frequent
(usually weekly) cleaning of the house. By removing the fresh
manure and spreading it on land it dries rapidly and tends to
break the breeding cycle. Thorough cleaning of the building is
important because any manure left in the building may still
provide a fly breeding site.
Another method of handling manure in the dry form is in
a deep storage area under cages. An advantage of this
system is the flexibility of clean-out. Manure can remain in the
storage area for a year or longer depending on the amount of
storage available. Although flies can be a problem in any
poultry house, they are not usually a problem with this type of
manure system. Some reasons for this include: increased
surface area for drying manure, dark storage area, which
discourages any breeding, and natural fly predators live in the
stored manure. Poultry manure that is allowed to accumulate
undisturbed in a deep storage area undergoes some
composting which reduces the volume of the waste. This
volume reduction provides extra storage space and allows an
extended storage period.
For all of these systems and particularly the frequent
cleaning of a shallow pit and long-term storage to work
efficiently there are several management practices that must
be followed to reduce moisture in the manure.
Probably the most important and perhaps the most
difficult to control is preventing water leaks. In houses with cup
waterers each valve has the potential for a leak.
Providing adequate drainage to keep surface water out of
the house is also essential. By maintaining the proper grade
around the outside of the poultry house, storm water is
prevented from getting into the house and getting the manure
Another important management tool is proper ventilation.
The proper exchange of air in the house with fresh air
from outside will help move moisture laden air out of the
house, which improves bird comfort, and will also help keep
manure dry.
Other management practices which aid in keeping manure
dry are:
- keep watering systems clean and free of bacteria buildup which can cause diarrhea;
- avoid rations that have a high salt content, which increase water consumption;
- avoid very high house temperatures that increase water consumption.
Fly Control by Mechanical Measures
Fly control inside the poultry house is an easier problem to handle if flies are prevented from entering. Through the proper use of screens for doors, windows, and curtain openings the number of flies that enter the house can be minimized. Some of those flies that do enter the house can be controlled by electrical insect traps and bait stations. Traps are usually designed with some type of light to attract insects and then some type of electrically charged grid to kill them. These are best used as a supplement to other fly control practices. Bait stations are most effective in work areas where the surroundings are kept clean.
Fly Control by Chemical Measures
As a last alternative to good management and sanitation
programs, insecticides can be used effectively to complete
the task of fly control. It must be re-emphasized that insecticides
should not be used instead of good management. In any
situation where insecticides are used in or around the poultry
farm only those products which are approved for poultry farm
use should be considercd and then only when the directions
for use are carefully followed.
Several methods of application including residual sprays,
space sprays, vapor strips, fly baits, and larvicides can be
considered for poultry farm use. Tables 1 and 2 list several
insecticides that are approved for use in poultry houses and
if used according to directions do not result in injury to the birds
or residue contamination in eggs or meat.
Residual sprays may be used on the outside of the
building, particularly around doors and windows including the
vegetation growing in those areas, and on the inside on
ceilings, trusses, electrical wires, light fixtures, or other equipment
in the house. Some of the residual sprays can only be
used when no birds are in the house, while others are
approved (Table 1) for use when birds are present. Control of
flies for up to four weeks can be expected if surfaces are
thoroughly coated to the point of dripping.

Space sprays or mists (Table 2) should be used when
fly numbers are quite large and an immediate reduction in
adult fly numbers is necessary.
Bait stations can also help control the fly population on
poultry farms. The bait stations usually contain an insecticide
(such as those listed in Table 1) plus an attractant such as
sugar. Hailing should be used in conjunction with another
method of control; alone it is not eflective in controlling the
population. Baits should always be placed out of reach of the
Vapor strips can be effective in a fly control program.
These strips are readily available and, when used according
to label directions, give off a vapor which kills flies in a confined
area. Use of these products in the poultry house is not
recommended due to the large amount of air movement.
Larvicides (Table 3) are another way of controlling flies.
There are two types of larvicides that can be used. The most
common type that has been used for some time is one that can
be sprayed directly on manure. With this type of application the
intent is to kill fly larvae (maggots) that are developing in the
manure. To obtain desired results the insecticide must penetrate
the manure and come in contact with the larvae. There is
sometimes some difficulty in obtaining desired results because
of the constant addition of fresh manure. This method
of fly control should be reserved for treatment of trouble areas
that have developed when other methods of control have
failed. There are some additional potential problems associated
with the application of larvicides to manure. One is the
possible resistance development by flies. Another potential
problem is the indiscriminate killing of natural parasites and
The second type is a feed-through larvicide which is
included in the feed and then functions in the manure. Larvadex
0.3% Premix is available as a feed-through insecticide for use
with caged layers for the control of manure breeding flies. A
complete house cleanout should precede the use of Larvadex
in the feed. Following label direction is very important in the
use of this product and continuous feeding is not recommended.
When flies become active the Larvadex should then
be incorporated into the feed at the recommended level and
fed continuously for four to six weeks. After this initial feeding
period an alternating program of feeding five to seven days
and withdrawing for five to seven days should be followed.
Larvadex is available for use with caged layers only. It
should not be used in broiler feed or feed used for any other
species of poultry. Meat and eggs from breeder birds being fed
Larvadex should not be used for human consumption. For
spent fowl there is a three-day withdrawal period prior to
slaughter. Precautions should be taken in the use of the
manure from birds fed Larvadex. Soil application at rates not
to exceed five tons per acre is acceptable. However, manure
should not be applied to small grain crops that will be grazed
or harvested.
For best management, fly control should be included in
any poultry management program. Because of cost and the
fact that other insects are also killed, chemical sprays and
larvicides should be considered only when good management
and mechanical controls have not been successful.

Source: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service - Taken from Website September 2005