Glossary of commonly used game bird terms
Never heard of that game bird term? This glossary of terms can helpWe want to give credit to the original authors of this listing. It comes from USDA's Poultry Industry Manual: The Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP)/National Animal Health Emergency Management System (NAHEMS) Guidelines.
Please note: these terms will lean toward those used in the North American game bird market.
Game Bird
Any bird that is used for hunting.
Upland Game Bird
Wild turkeys, partridges, pheasants, and quail (birds in the order of Galliformes). Excluded from this group are waterfowl and pigeons.
Started Bird
Birds ready to leave the brooder house, generally between five and eight weeks of age.
Mature Bird
Birds that have achieved adult weight and plumage and are ready for release onto a preserve or into the wild.
Commercial Production
Game birds raised to generate income for the grower.
Hobby Production
Birds raised for recreational purposes.
Hatching Eggs
Fertile eggs incubated for production of live chicks.
Birds ready for release or placement into the wild or on preserves.
Raised for Release
Game birds being raised for release onto a preserve or into the wild, as opposed to birds that are raised for meat production or breeding.
Straight – Run
Raising or selling birds of both sexes together. Chicks intended for straight-run production are not sexed after hatching.
A wide, saucer shaped, propane-fueled heater for brooding baby chicks.
The shank or featherless area of the leg below the hock.
Vertical Integration
Multiple phases of production encompassed in one company. For instance, a verically integrated company may have breeders, hatchery, commercial production, and hunting preserves. They may also have a feed mill.