Hy-Line W-80 proving itself around the world

Producers in white-egg regions around the world are proclaiming the Hy-Line W-80 an ideal fit for their market conditions.
calendar icon 11 April 2019
clock icon 7 minute read

The Hy-Line W-80 continues to prove itself as a robust white egg layer, gaining market share around the world in conventional and cage-free systems.

The W-80 is achieving a reputation for maximum output of hen-housed eggs of up to 373.3 hen-housed eggs at 80 weeks and 425 hen-housed eggs at 90 weeks.

Speedy recovery following disease challenges in Mexico

The Hy-Line W-80 bounces back into expected production after fierce disease and environmental challenges. The W-80 has demonstrated her ability to recover to the hen-day standard, like the flock below, after a highly pathogenic influenza outbreak.

Excellent breeder performance in Argentina

The strong performance of W-80 parent stock flocks for long-time Hy-Line distributor Cabaña Avícola Feller in Argentina, is surpassing the standards for number of settable hen-housed eggs.

Performance data for a cage-free W-80 flock

Lowest feed per egg cost in India

In the tough climate and conditions of India, where controlled environments in close-sided houses are not always available, the Hy-Line W-80 has the lowest feed-per-egg ratio of competing breeds. Plus, flocks are demonstrating a speedy return to production and excellent performance after disease challenges.

Outstanding feather cover throughout the life of the bird means the energy consumed is put into egg production. The shell quality at the end of lay gives producers even greater profit with saleable eggs throughout the life of the bird. Talk to your Hy-Line representative to see if the W-80 is the right bird for your operation.

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