Natural beak smoothing testimonials and conclusions

A new strategy for animal-friendly beak treatments in Broiler Breeders pt.5
calendar icon 25 April 2022
clock icon 3 minute read
By: Roxell

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Each day 4 500 000 broiler breeders eat from a feeder pan with Natural Beak Smoothing. What do poultry farmers say about it?

Turkmenistan: Nurly Meydan

“The males are given specific feed in a special pan with high feed windows = the Boozzter™ feeder pan with Natural Beak Smoothing. When the males eat, their beaks rub against the rough texture of the pan bottom, which controls the growth of their beaks in a natural way. As a result, they develop well-formed beaks.”

India: Life Line Feeds

“In recent years, Life Line Feeds has made strategic investments in solutions that will reduce stress in the birds. Roxell’s Natural Beak Smoothing fits perfectly within this philosophy.”

China: Tieling Yonghong Animal Husbandry Co. Ltd

“The groups of males that eat from the feeder pans with Natural Beak Smoothing in the rearing phase are always very uniform. I’d estimate that the uniformity has improved by +5 % and the mortality rate is on average 2 % lower than before. These are encouraging statistics that boost the profitability of this poultry site.”

The Netherlands: Jan Hoving

“Chain feeder systems do not offer a replacement for banned beak treatments. Roxell’s pan feeder systems for broiler breeders, on the other hand, do have an answer to this problem. If you want to eliminate painful treatments, the choice is obvious.”

Belgium: Dirk Mertens

“I notice there is less mortality among our chicks, because they don’t suffer a relapse following beak treatment. They have less stress and can just continue eating during the first days. We also notice a greater uniformity among the chicks. All these things eventually lead to a better end result.”


Sustainable, animal friendly and economical

Choosing a new strategy for beak treatments is one of the prerequisites for being able to call your company ‘sustainable’ and ‘animal friendly’. These are choices that the public is demanding ever more fervently from its food producers. Yes, investments are required, however, they don’t always have to negatively impact your business models.


In the list of sustainable solutions, Natural Beak Smoothing scores high. The sustainability is inherent in the product. The strength and evolution of the sharpness of the file has been extensively tested in the design phase. Roxell continues to measure the wear of the file at its pioneer customers on an annual basis. In addition, Roxell believes that the sharpness of the metal file is guaranteed for at least 10 years, and probably longer, as long as it is used normally and cleaned correctly. Thanks to this strong, durable, and efficient solution, you avoid wasting valuable raw materials, energy, and investments.

Animal friendly

If you want to be sustainable, you also have to have a high standard of animal welfare. The use of IR and hot-blade debeaking is not good enough anymore. In recent years, we have seen awareness of animal welfare increase across the world, among all players in the sector. This is because healthy, stress-free animals grow better, and farmers enjoy a better return on their work. Many breeders have therefore set up test houses with Natural Beak Smoothing. These tests have been unanimously positive thus far. The poultry market is in agreement that it is the perfect alternative to traditional, painful beak treatment.


Furthermore, this solution is an affordable alternative for poultry farmers. The calculation of what you will save on feed and debeaking treatments is surely enough to justify the investment in an animal-friendly beak treatment. If you add in the extra gains, the returns are even higher. The mortality rate drops and other success factors improve: better fertility, more eggs, more day-old chicks, and so on. All this just by controlling beak growth in an animal-friendly manner.

For information about Natural Beak Smoothing contact Roxell or contact your local Roxell-distributors. Go to and click ‘Find distributor’ to find a distributor near you.

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