Proceedings WPSA Symposia on Quality of Poultry Meat, Eggs and Egg Products 2009
Proceedings of the 19th (XIX) European Poultry Symposium on Quality of Poultry Meat and 13th (XIII) European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, organised by the World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA) and held in Turku, Finland, in June 2009.
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Plenary Papers
- Competitiveness of the European broiler industry: future perspective - P.L.M. VAN HORNE
- Future prospects for the European egg industry - P. MAGDELAINE
- Salmonella in poultry meat and eggs: can we go to a zero level? - F. VAN IMMERSEEL, I. GANTOIS, F. PASMANS, F. HAESEBROUCK AND R. DUCATELLE
- Finnish salmonella programme - J. HUSU-KALLIO
- Salmonella risk in Finnish poultry production: exploiting risk assessment in control programme evaluation - P. TUOMINEN, A. MIKKELÄ AND J. RANTA
- Epidemiology of Salmonella infections in laying hens with special emphasis on the influence of the housing system - J. DEWULF, S. VAN HOOREBEKE, F. VAN IMMERSEEL
- Is decontamination the right answer to the occurrence of pathogen bacteria on poultry meat? - L. ELLERBROEK
- Better measurements, better selection - I. DUNN
- The impact of alternative processing technologies on the quality of eggs and egg products - M. ROSSI
- What are the keypoints to understand the physico-chemical and biological activities of egg compounds - M. ANTON, C. BELHOMME, H. SIRVENTE, V. BEAUMAL, E. DAVID-BRIAND
- Avian antimicrobial peptides in hen reproductive tract and egg - V. HERVÉ-GRÉPINET, S. RÉHAULT-GODBERT, J. GAUTRON, M. HINCKE, Y. MINE AND Y. NYS
- Bacterial contamination of table eggs and the influence of housing systems - K. DE REU, W. MESSENS, K. GRIJSPEERDT, M. HEYNDRICKX, M. YUTTENDAELE, L. AND L. HERMAN
- Veterinary inspection in slaughter houses under future challenges - R. FRIES
- Measures to control campylobacter in broiler and broiler meat - H. ROSENQUIST
- Handling of by-products from the slaughter process - B. KIEPPER
- Why poultry should be stunned at slaughter and the welfare advantages and challenges of electrical and gas stunning - R.J. BUHR
- Electrical stunning of broiler chickens - S. PRINZ
- Anoxic stunning of poultry - D.E.F. MCKEEGAN, J. LOWE, A. COENEN, J. LANKHAAR AND C. WATHES
- Controlled atmosphere stunning - B. LAMBOOIJ
- The role of connective tissue in poultry meat quality - E. PUOLANNE AND L. VOUTILA
- Effects of stress before slaughter on the quality of poultry meat - H. REMIGNON
- Techniques for measuring meat quality - E. MORAN
- Functional genomics reveal numerous novel egg proteins - J. GAUTRON, K. MANN, P.G. RIGHETTI, S. RÉHAULT-GODBERT, V. JONCHÈRE, V. HERVÉ-GRÉPINET AND Y. NYS
Egg Quality: Original Papers
- Mutual Effects of the Swiss Salmonella Enteritidis-control programme for layers: a success story - R.K. HOOP
- Evaluation of bacterial indicators for monitoring the Salmonella Enteritidis status of layer farms - I. DEWAELE, R. DUCATELLE, L. HERMAN, M. HEYNDRICKX AND K. DE REU
- Vaccination with concealed antigens to control D. gallinae infestations in laying hens - D. HARRINGTON, J. DE LA FUENTE, M. CANALES, J. GUY, K. ROBINSON AND O. SPARAGANO
- The deposition of the eggshells' cuticle is a moderately heritable trait - M. BAIN, K. MCDADE, M. SCHMUTZ, R. PREISINGER, D. WADDINGTON AND I.C. DUNN
- Screening of novel uterine proteins involved in eggshell formation using cDNA - V. JONCHERE, S. RÉHAULT-GODBERT, L. COGBURN, C. HENNEQUET, C. CABAU, V. SIBUT, V. HERVÉ-GRÉPINET, Y. NYS AND J. GAUTRON
- The effect of Camelina sativa cake on fatty acid composition and sensory quality of eggs and broiler meat - I. ARONEN, E. VALKONEN, T. TUPASELA, J. HIIDENHOVI AND J. VALAJA
- Penetration of Salmonella Enteritidis through the vitelline membrane of hen's eggs as affected by its strength during the laying period - S. LELEU, L. HERMAN, M. HEYNDRICKX, E. DELEZIE, M. BAIN, J. GAUTRON, C. MICHIELS, J. DE BAERDEMAEKER AND W. MESSENS
- Effects of vaccine strains of infectious bronchitis virus on egg quality in unvaccinated and vaccinated laying hens - J. ROBERTS AND K. CHOUSALKAR
- Relationship between egg quality traits and hatchability in pure-line white layer strains - D. CAVERO AND M. SCHMUTZ
- Effect of egg washing on the cuticle of table eggs - W. MESSENS, S. LELEU, S. DE PRETER, L. HERMAN, K. DE REU, J. DE BAERDEMAEKER AND M. BAIN
- Selection of a chitosan type for eggshell coating to reduce shell contamination - S. LELEU, L. HERMAN, M. HEYNDRICKX, K. DE REU, C. MICHIELS, J. DE BAERDEMAEKER AND W. MESSENS
- Eggshell bacterial levels of non-washed and washed eggs from caged and cage-free hens - R.J. BUHR, J.F. HANNAH, J.L. WILSON, N.A. COX, L.J. RICHARDSON, J.A. CASON AND M.T. MUSGROVE
- Monitoring the health of brown layers using the transmission colour value of the eggs defined by VIS/NIR spectroscopy - K. MERTENS, I. VAESEN, B. KEMPS, J. LÖFFEL, J. ZOONS, E. DECUYPERE, J. DE BAERDEMAEKER AND B. DE KETELAERE
- Finite element analysis of the relationships between dynamic, physical and mechanical egg properties - C. PERIANU, B. DE KETELAERE, K. MERTENS, B. PLUYMERS, W. DESMET, J.G. DE BAERDEMAEKER AND E.M. DECUYPERE
- CO2 MAP for the improvement of physico-chemical and technological properties of egg white - P. ROCCOLI, E. COCCI, F. SIRRI AND . DALLA ROSA
- The effects of different degradation methods for solubility and bioactive properties of ovomucin - J. HIIDENHOVI, A. HIETANEN, R. HUOPALAHTI AND E.-L. RYHÄNEN
- Modification of lysozyme by dry-heating: small cause, big effect - Y. DESFOUGÈRES, V. LECHEVALIER, S. PÉZENNEC, S. BEAUFILS, V. VIE AND F. NAU
- OVONUTRIAL project: technologies impact on nutritional value and allergenicity of egg proteins - F. NAU
- Tailoring eggs for health benefits: The challenge of eggs more compatible with CVD and possibly egg-associated diabetes risks - N. SHAPIRA
- Egg quality characteristics of organic laying hens fed different levels of Salvia officinalis - D. GALAMATIS, G. ARSENOS, E. BOURTZI-HATZOPOULOU, A. TSERVENI-GOUSSI AND P. FORTOMARIS
- Organic egg quality parameters influenced by feed, hen line and forage material - M. HAMMERSHØJ AND S. STEENFELDT
- Assessment of the efficacy of a low-temperature gas plasma prototype for surface decontamination of table eggs - L. VANNINI, C.L. MONTANARI, A. BERARDINELLI, L. RAGNI, F. SIRRI AND M.E. GUERZONI
- A market study on the quality of eggs from different housing systems - K. DE REU, K. RENDERS, G. MAERTENS, W. MESSENS, W. REYBROECK, S. OOGHE, L. HERMAN AND E. DAESELEIRE
- Environmental monitoring of Salmonella Enteritidis on positive layer farms - I. DEWAELE, H. VAN MEIRHAEGE, M. VANROBAEYS, R. DUCATELLE, G. RASSCHAERT, L. HERMAN, M. HEYNDRICKX AND K. DE REU
- Nutritive value of treated brown marine algae in pullet and laying diets - A.A. ELDEEK AND M.A. AL-HARTHI
- The effect of housing system and storage time on egg quality characteristics - M. ENGLMAIEROVA AND E. TUMOVÁ
- Opportunities for Integrated Pest Management to control the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae - D. HARRINGTON, D. GEORGE, J. GUY AND O. SPARAGANO
- Effects of microbial phytase supplementation on the performance, egg quality, and phosphorus - SHAHAB GHAZI HARSINI, R. MAHDAVI AND M. SALIMI
- Optimalization of egg white foam forming - K. MIKOVA AND H. BOVSKOVA
- Hot air treatment for surface decontamination of table eggs - A. LUCCHI, F. PASQUALI, A. FABBRI, G. MANFREDA AND A. FRANCHINI
- Quality of eggs of hybrid and Italian breeds hens reared under an organic production system - C. DE FASSI RIZZI AND M. CASSANDRO
- The influence of halloysite supplementation in laying hens feeding on egg yolk lipid fraction - M. SKIBA, M. KULOK, R. KOLACZ, T. SKIBA
- Comparative effects of inorganic and organic selenium sources on performance, eggshell quality and egg .. - M. YOUSSEFI AND H. SARI
- Effects of dietary vitamin E on immunological stress of layers - G.P. ZHAO, M.J. HAN, M.Q. ZHENG, J.L. CHEN AND J. WEN
Poultry Meat Quality: Original Papers
- Bacterial numbers of broiler chickens affected by sampling methods and location - D.P. SMITH
- Use of Dietary Mannobiose to Reduce Gut Salmonella and Campylobacter in Broiler Chickens and Turkeys - Y. HAN
- Response of the specific immune system on cecal colonization of slow-growing broiler chickens reared on litter contaminated by Campylobacter jejuni - S. VANDEPLAS, R. DUBOIS DAUPHIN, Y. BEKERS, P. THONART AND A. THÉWIS
- Carcass quality and safety during campylobacteriosis - O.I. KASYANENKO, T.I. FOTINA AND J.E. DVORSKA
- Effect of preslaughter transport duration on meat quality of broilers slaughtered at different body weights and seasons - S. YALCIN AND H. CEM GÜLER
- Effect of four natural antioxidants on automatically deboned broiler meat - M.A. FELLENBERG AND I. PEÑA
- Technological characteristics of turkey breast rolls produced with fresh or thawed meat and different formulations - M. PETRACCI, M. BIANCHI, A. FRANCHINI AND C. CAVANI
- Effects of sample preparation on the water/protein ratio of poultry cuts in relation to the identification of extraneous water - G. HAHN, M. JUDAS AND W. BRANSCHEID
- Functional genomics of pre-slaughter stress responses in chicken muscle - C. MOLETTE, D. HAZARD, Z. WADIH-MOUSSA, F. LÉTISSE, H. RÉMIGNON AND X. FERNANDEZ
- Effects of functional feed ingredients on the quantities and qualities of chicken meat and egg - S. HASEGAWA, K. HONDA, H. KAMISOYAMA AND K. HAYASHI
- The effect of flaxseed on the fatty acid profile of the quail meat - A. KELEMPEKOGLOU, P.D. FORTOMARIS, A.L. YANNAKOPOULOS, P.V. NISIANAKIS AND A.S. TSERVENI-GOUSSI
- Influence of the season of the year on some technological parameters and ultrastructure of PSE - T. LESIOW, T. SZMANKO, M. KORZENIOWSKA, L. BOBAK AND M. OZIEMBLOWSKI
- Analysis of microbiological and chemical quality of poultry meat in the vicinity of the Mbeubeuss Landfill - A. MISSOHOU, M. MBODJ, D. ZANGA, S. NIANG, K.S.B. SYLLA, M. SEYDI, O. CISSÉ AND W.S. SECK
- Colour and fatty acid profile of abdominal fat pads from broiler chickens fed lobster meal - B.M. RATHGEBER, D.M. ANDERSON, K.L. THOMPSON, L. MACISAAC AND S. BUDGE
- Sensory properties of broiler meat: a comparison between different experimental series and origins - M. RISTIC
- Slaughtering performance and carcass quality of three Italian chicken breeds - C. DE FASSI RIZZI AND M. CASSANDRO
- Further aspects on the effect of different n-3 and n-6 fatty acid sources in broiler diets - N.A. SELIM AND A.M. ABDEL-KHALEK
- Response of growing rabbits to dietary antioxidant vitamins E and C. 2. Effect on meat quality - N.A. SELIM, A.M. ABDEL-KHALEK, S.A. NADA AND SH.A. EL-MEDANY
- Effect of different elctrical stunning conditions on meat quality in broilers - S. SIMONOVIC AND M.A. GRASHORN
- The use of laying type cockerels as poussins: growth performance and carcass quality - M. KOENIG, G. HAHN, K. DAMME AND M. SCHMUTZ