Sprinklers Cool Birds and Conserve Water
Overhead sprinklers together with tunnel ventilation can successfully cool broiler chickens with substantially less water, according to a study at the University of Arkansas by Assistant Professor Yi Liang, Professor Susan E. Watkins, G. Thomas Tabler (Former Project Manager) and David McCreery (Project/Farm Manager).Introduction
Keeping birds comfortable during
hot, humid weather is critical for optimising
weight gains, feed conversion
and livability. Improved growth rates
and the trend to heavier average market
weights contribute to greater heat
loads in modern broiler barns. While
the poultry industry has made significant
strides to minimise seasonal
effects, even the best housing design
can still result in birds settling with
lighter weights when nature turns up
the temperature. Current methods
used by the industry to overcome heat
stress include tunnel ventilation that
uses exhaust fans to rapidly move air
along the length of the barn. When
wind speed alone no longer provides
adequate bird cooling, water is circulated
over the cooling pads to cool the air entering the house. The final stage
of cooling involves the use of interior
foggers that saturate the air with a
fine mist to increase air cooling. In
both cases, the air temperature is
reduced by water evaporation, absorbing
heat from the air. Unfortunately
both systems tend to saturate the
barn air with moisture (>70 per cent relative humidity, RH),
which is counterproductive to the
bird’s own natural ability to cool itself
by evaporative heat loss through the
air that it breaths out.
A second challenge with recirculating
cool-cell systems is the significant
water usage that is directly
correlated to outside temperature and
how rapidly the air moves through the
house. Figure 1 shows that a single
40 by 400 foot barn with 120 feet of
pads used as much as 2,500 gallons of water per day with 38-day-old birds present (does not
include bird water consumption). Cooling water consumption
could be even higher under 100°F days
with the same age of flock. Drought conditions during
the 2012 summer were a wake-up call for many
producers regarding the need to better conserve
water yet maintain good bird performance.

(Data collected at the Applied Broiler Research Farm of the University of Arkansas in August 2011)
Sprinklers Versus Foggers
An alternative to the traditional cool cells and
foggers is the sprinkler system which works by cooling
the birds instead of the air. Cattle and hogs are
often cooled in hot weather by sprinkling with water.
Only a few years ago, poultry producers avoided
catastrophic losses by hosing birds with water during
extremely hot weather (if fans were present). Low-pressure
water sprinkling does not cool the barn air
but rather works by wetting the birds' feathers. Heat
is then absorbed directly from the birds as these
water droplets evaporate and are carried away by the
tunnel fans.
The natural response of any producer or
live production manager is the thought that sprinklers
will soak the litter causing terrible conditions.
This is proving to simply not be the case; sprinkler
houses are actually drier than cool-cell and fogger
houses. The computerised sprinkler control systems
take into account bird age and barn air temperature
to determine how much water will be 'sprinkled' and
at what intervals – less water is used via sprinklers
when birds are young than when birds are older,
covering more floor space and generating more heat
(Figure 2).

As more cooling is required, there is less opportunity for the water to fall on the floor. Sprinkler systems use intermittent spraying of controlled water volumes followed by sufficient time for the water to evaporate and be removed by 500+ feet per minute wind speeds. As a result, litter conditions in the sprinkler houses, as measured on the day of sell, were similar to those in the cool-cell houses (Figure 3).

One significant difference with sprinklers as compared to cool cells is the air temperature inside a chicken house with sprinkler cooling is either the same as or only slightly lower than the outside air. As a result, the humidity of the air in a sprinkler house is similar to the outside air, but consistently lower than that of the air in a cool-cell house as shown with the dotted lines in Figure 4. It is important to note that when barn temperatures are at or below the set point, birds readily give up the extra heat they generate to the 'dry' air that moves over them. As barn temperature rises above the desired set point, birds no longer cool themselves by the air carrying or 'convecting' the heat away (also called sensible heat loss) and additional evaporative heat removal is needed. With sprinkler systems, the controller utilizes bird age and temperature information to increase the amount of water as needed for bird cooling. Increasing the sprinkler run time or decreasing the time between sprinklings will compensate for the higher temperature so birds stay comfortable. While sprinkler houses may have higher air temperatures than cooling pads or fogger houses, adequate cooling is still achieved by direct evaporative heat loss from the feathers and increased respiration losses from the birds’ lungs due to lower air relative humidity (Figure 4).

Sprinklers Save Water
Due to the focus of water evaporation at each individual bird’s surface, the cooling water used by sprinkler houses averaged 70 per cent less than the cooling water used by the cool-pad-only houses. In tests conducted at the Applied Broiler Research Farm of the University of Arkansas over five summer flocks, the sprinkler houses (pad cooling turned off) used in the range of 4,000 to 10,000 gallons of cooling water per flock per house (40 by 400 feet), compared to the pad-cooling houses (range of 20,000 to 40,000 gallons per flock) (Figure 5). Results from three summer flocks when sprinklers and cooling pads were used in combination (cool pad set points were set at 17°F higher than house environmental controller set points) show that the combination-cooling house saved 40 per cent of cooling water compared to its paired pad-cooling house. Supplementing the sprinklers with the cool cells under extremely hot conditions may be necessary to gain the best flock performance and water savings.

General Layout and Operation for Sprinkler Systems
The sprinkler system in a typical broiler
house includes two or three lateral PVC lines with
low-pressure (30 to 40 pounds per square inch, psi) sprinklers, depending on
the width of the house. No booster pump is needed.
Sprinklers should be evenly placed 20 feet apart and
staggered on adjacent lines to ensure uniform floor
coverage. The sprinklers should be grouped into zones
with up to 20 nozzles in each zone. This allows the
water to be activated by zone to avoid overwhelming
the water supply on the farm.
All existing temperature
sensors inside the house should be shielded from
water drops to avoid erroneous readings due to the
chilled effect of water evaporation. Aluminum foil or
pie plates are used as easy and inexpensive shields.
Sprinklers are typically recommended for use after
flock age of 21 days (for flocks raised to medium
market weights) to minimise the possibility of most of
the water ending up on the litter due to low floor
coverage by the birds.
Overhead sprinklers together with tunnel ventilation can successfully cool broiler chickens with substantially less water.
Cooling is achieved by intermittently spraying large water droplets uniformly into the house, typically beginning flock age of 21 days under normal stocking density.
The amount of water spray varies according to the total live weight of the birds and the thermal condition inside the house.
The relatively dry and fast-moving air inside the house helps to remove heat from birds' respiratory pathways to keep them comfortable and gives a chance for moisture to escape from the litter.
Cooling water is significantly reduced since the birds are the cooling target instead of the air.
March 2013