Statistical analysis in a multi-farm IBD vaccination follow-up. What are the benefits?

Evaluating the performance of vaccines through large-scale trials allows a large amount of data to be obtained which can provide better conclusive results, but sometimes these data can be difficult to understand and to take advantage of. Statistical data analysis transforms large volumes of data into useful information to help poultry producers to optimize health and production efficiency, thereby improving the economic performance of the farms and identifying areas for improvement in their production processes.
calendar icon 29 November 2021
clock icon 4 minute read
By: Hipra

The present multi-farm follow-up trial was performed in a large company in Spain with the aim of evaluating the improvements in productive parameters achieved with GUMBOHATCH® administered under field conditions compared to a standard-formulated immune complex vaccine applied in the same period.

GUMBOHATCH® is an immune complex vaccine with a new formulation based on antibodies from eggs (not sera) and specific quality controls to ensure the complete protection of the vaccine virus. All these improvements ensure maintenance of the maximum potency of the vaccine and consistent results in the field, whilst avoiding the risk of immunosuppression.







August-September 2020



23 farms

Standard formulated ICX vaccine

August-September 2020



30 farms

The effect of the vaccines on the different productive parameters and the possible economic impact were evaluated by statistical analysis (linear model p < 0.05 was chosen as the limit for statistical significance in all tests) to better understand the main differences between vaccines.

HIPRASTATS is HIPRA’S data analysis service that was created with the objective of transforming large volumes of data into useful information to improve the health situation, production efficiency and economic performance of poultry producers as well as for assertive decision-making.


Productive parameters were evaluated by HIPRASTATS analysis (Table 1).

Average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion rate (FCR) in the batches vaccinated with GUMBOHATCH® were significantly different compared to the standard-formulated immune complex vaccine.

Based on these results, variable costs on the different farms were also calculated (Table 2).

For this evaluation, DOC price (€/bird), feed price (€/kg feed), live weight price (€/kg) and vaccine price were considered to be equal.

Variable costs were reduced by 0.0107 €/kg live weight in batches vaccinated with GUMBOHATCH® compared to those vaccinated with the standard-formulated immune complex vaccine.


Comparison through statistical analysis (HIPRASTATS) of productive parameters in flocks vaccinated in the same period with a standard-formulated immune complex vaccine, showed a better performance in the case of batches vaccinated with GUMBOHATCH®, resulting in a decrease in the variable productive costs for the farm.

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