UK Poultry Disease Quarterly Surveillance Report - November 2003
By Veterinary Laboratories Agency - This report monitors trends in the major endemic poultry diseases and utilises the farmfile and VIDA (Veterinary Investigation Disease Analysis) databases. The report is compiled using disease data gathered by the network of 15 VLA regional laboratories which carry out disease investigation in the field.
Quarterly Surveillance Report
Poultry: Vol. 7 No. 3 Jul - Sep 2003 - Published Nov 2003 Contents OVERVIEW (here) POULTRY STATISTICS NOTIFIABLE DISEASES: - Submissions to the EU Reference Laboratory - Imported captive birds FOOD SAFETY AND ZOONOSES: - Food Safety - Salmonella Report - Non-Statutory Zoonoses ENDEMIC/NEW AND EMERGING DISEASE SURVEILLANCE: - Virology Report - Histomoniasis (Blackhead) - Update on “Vibrionic hepatitis” - Brachyspira in layers - Motile protozoal infections in gamebirds - Ascites/Right Ventricular Failure in Pheasants UPDATE ON BUDGERIGAR MORTALITY Appendix I – VLA Bury: Avian Histopathology Submissions |
- Histomoniasis in Chickens and Turkeys
- Hexamitiasis in Gamebirds
- Brachyspira in Layers
Total UK poultry production for the 3rd quarter of this year was 7% higher than for the corresponding quarter in 2002, and broiler production was 8% higher. The demand for eggs in the UK appears to be buoyant. There has been a slight, continuing decline in turkey meat production.
The overall health status of the industry has remained good during the quarter and no new problems of note have been reported. However there are a number of concerns within the industry, including the availability of medicinal products; an example of this is given in this report in relation to the lack of availability of licensed medication for the control and treatment of histomoniasis
(Blackhead) in chickens and turkeys and hexamitiasis in gamebirds.
This report summarises the results of testing of imported captive birds and reports on the isolation of pathogenic paramyxovirus type 1 for the second time this year. This highlights the importance of the routine testing of quarantine casualties to detect imported exotic diseases within controlled quarantine environments.
The report also tabulates submissions to the EU Reference Laboratory at VLA Weybridge during the quarter, one of which relates to an outbreak of paramyxovirus type 1 (pigeon) disease affecting both pigeons and turkeys in Sweden. This indicates the continued need for vigilance and reporting of suspect notifiable disease in the UK.
Mention is made in the report of 2 conditions of poultry, avian intestinal spirochaetosis and
“vibrionic hepatitis” where there is a need for further investigation to improve our understanding of these diseases.
To read the full 10 page PDF report please click here
Source: Veterinary Laboratories Agency - November 2003