Weekly poultry digest: US cold storage figures disappoint and Europe changes the rules on PAP
The European Union is likely to change rules on livestock feed, permitting farmers to feed processed animal proteins (PAP) to pigs and poultry.USDA’s February US cold storage report
February 2021 Highlights:
- Total frozen poultry supplies on 28 February 2021 were down 3% from the previous month and down 14% from a year ago.
- Total stocks of chicken were down 6% from the previous month and down 17% from last year.
- Total pounds of turkey in freezers were up 6% from last month but down 6% from 29 February 2020.

Argentina suspends 15 meat exporters for dodging industry regulations
This week Argentina’s ag ministry announced it had discovered several meat export operations had undercut competitors and evaded taxes by failing to properly register their business with the state.
Therefore, the country has suspended 15 meat exporters, impacting at least 40 MT of shipments. The report did not name the companies involved.
The ag ministry says state prosecutors will begin preparing formal complaints soon.
European Commission changes rules on livestock feed
The European Commission has presented a draft proposal that would allow the feeding of processed animal proteins (PAP) from poultry to pigs and pig PAPs to poultry again. As a large majority of Members States received the proposal positively, EU industry experts believe that the proposal has a good chance of gaining approval through written procedure in a meeting in April or May.
While the European Parliament, under the scrutiny procedure, must also vote on the proposal, it is not expected to block this proposal as it will give the EU feed sector access again to an important source of high-quality protein, while at the same time recycling large amounts of animal waste, which fits well with the goals of the EU Farm To Fork Strategy.
In response to the European BSE crisis the EC adopted a regulation laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, also known as the BSE regulation. The EC installed a ban on the use of PAPs and meat and bone meal (MBM) in feed for farmed animals.
See Jim Wyckoff's analysis of the global swine industry on The Pig Site and see his weekly update on the cattle sector on The Cattle Site.