Why Raise Poultry on Pasture?
Advice on keeping free-range poultry from Terrell Spencer, NCAT Poultry Specialist.For many beginning farmers, poultry may be the most
logical livestock choice. Birds have several advantages —
their small size, quick return on investment, and low cost of
start-up, to name a few. Poultry can be the 'gateway' animal
to raising larger stock like sheep, goats, hogs, or cattle.
Poultry are raised on the farm for many reasons – egg and
meat production, insect and weed control, selling stock,
and more. Due to the great variety of sizes, diets, foraging
behaviors, and hardiness among poultry species, poultry
can be advantageously incorporated into almost any existing
livestock or horticultural enterprise.
The addition of poultry can diversify the farm's offerings
to customers through meat and egg production. Poultry
can provide insect and weed control, increase soil fertility,
and serve as a marketing and educational tool for families.

He and his family are raising 3,000 broilers and about 200 laying hens on pasture.
Photo: NCAT
Healthy Pastures, Healthy Flocks
Many producers are shocked to see just how much green
forage the birds, especially chickens and turkeys, will eat
when given the opportunity. Depending on its quality,
pasture may replace up to 25 per cent of the feed consumed.
Birds raised on pasture are typically quite healthy. Their
immune systems are generally strong because they are exposed
to sunlight, fresh air, and frequent fresh pasture in a
naturally sanitary environment. The use of antibiotics and
other medications is rare in pastured poultry production.
When poultry graze on healthy pastures, gobbling insects
and plants, the birds produce flavorful meat. The yolks of
pastured eggs are usually dark orange and the fat deposited
in the meat is often yellow, evidence of the elevated vitamin, mineral, and Omega-3 content of the meat. Many
customers appreciate the humane practices of farmers who
raise their chickens on pasture. All these factors mean that
the pastured poultry farmer can charge a premium price.
It is not all a bed of roses with pastured poultry production.
Hurdles include predators, processing, marketing, complex
regulations, pasture seasonality, severe weather, product
storage, and transportation.
Once you get past the learning curve, though, pasturing
poultry can be a great system. With a virtually untapped
market and a tremendously popular product, farmers who
are able to meet the challenges can profit from the emerging
pastured-poultry industry.
Resources for Raising Poultry on Pasture
- American Pastured Poultry Producers’ Association (APPPA) is a nonprofit educational and networking organization.
- Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin offers many studies showing that pastured poultry systems can work well on small and mid-size farms in the region.
- Eat Wild website provides information on pasture-based farming, including lists of farms that sell direct to the public.
- How to Raise Free-Range Chickens is the easy-to-understand, information-packed website of Oregon chicken farmer/author, Robert Plamondon.
- Pastured Poultry Yahoo group is an active online network.
- Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture is a 16-page publication from USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
Grazing Multiple Species on Your Farm
Grazing more than one livestock
species on your farm will help you
use more of the forages, improve the
health and growth of your animals,
and keep weeds (most of them, anyway)
from taking over your farm.
Each species of livestock can improve
the bottom line as you spread out cash
flow. Poultry offers a fast return on
investment and a steady income from
batches of broilers or dozens of eggs.
Larger livestock will convert low-cost
forages into meat and can be raised
and marketed with less daily labor.
Fencing is key
There are many benefits from grazing
multiple species, but almost an equal
number of challenges. The first is fencing.
Keeping pastured poultry in pens
means there is not (much) need for a
good fence around the entire pasture.
The pens serve as the fence. You will
need a good fence if you are raising
larger livestock. Sheep and goats need
a hot electric fence, with at least three
well-spaced strands. More is better.
Cattle are easier to fence but do not
offer the weed control benefits of
small ruminants unless they are taught
(see www.livestockforlandscapes.org).
Woven wire works well for sheep and
goats; barbed wire does not. Existing
fences can be modified to work for
any animal, and if the existing fence is
good, no modifications may be needed. It is helpful to show your fence to
someone who raises the livestock you
want to raise and get their assessment
of any changes needed.
Cattle and sheep and goats may all
'play' with poultry pens. Having
livestock in the pasture with the pens
may add difficulty to chore time since
the larger livestock are curious and
will often get in the way as you service
the pens. Some producers like to keep
bulk feed handy in the pasture with
the poultry pens. That would be risky
if larger livestock is present because
they may break in to the feed and
overeat, with fatal consequences.
For all these reasons, it may be best
to graze the ruminants in the pasture
ahead of the poultry and follow with
the poultry. The ruminants will graze
the pasture down, removing tall forage
so the pens are easier to move and
poultry can graze the shorter, more
tender forage.
Poultry will also scratch through manure
pats, exposing internal parasite
larvae to the drying effects of sunlight
and heat and consuming some of
them. Poultry will fertilize the pasture
so that regrowth will be more
nutritious for the ruminants when
they return to graze. In this way, the
ruminants prepare the pasture for the
poultry and the poultry improve the
pasture for the ruminants.
Free-range chickens are even easier to
manage. Remember to protect their
feed from the ruminants. Chickens
will clean up any spilled feed and
scratch through old hay piles, lessening
waste on the farm.
Grazing multiple species of animals
on your farm will help you control
weed and grass growth, increase fertility
on your pastures, and offer more
products to improve your income.
September 2012