Appenzell Pointed Hood Hen - Chicken
The Appenzell Pointed Hood Hen is a small, bantam breed that originated in Switzerland, hence their hardy character and tolerance of colder climates. As the name suggests, this breed has a pointed crest that faces forwards from the top of the head. Their appearance makes them a popular exhibition bird.
There are three variations in color. The most common is silver spangled, then gold spangled and black. They have small horned combs that are not susceptible to frostbite. Ideally suited to mountainous regions, they are active foragers, alert and flighty, so plenty of space is needed and enclosures with high sides are recommended. They enjoy roosting in trees, so a free range set up is ideal. They do not have a tendency to go broody.
The females weigh around 1 kg, and the males 1.5 kg. This breed begins laying eggs at around 5 months old, and produces around 150 white eggs per year.