Cornish - Chicken
Cornish chickens originate from Cornwall, UK. It is a muscly breed that has been bred from some of the Asian breeds, and it was once called Indian Game. The color varieties are white, dark white, laced red, and buff. The beak is strong and slightly curved. They are a dual purpose chicken that produces a fine textured meat, although they only lay a small amount of eggs per year.
They have close, tight feathering that provides little insulation, so care should be taken in cold weather. Cornish chickens are very active and require plenty of exercise and space to forage and roam. The hens can be broody, but they are not very good at keeping their eggs warm due to the minimal feathering and because they can be too active to be reliable sitters, although they do make good mothers. Cornish chickens have good temperaments and are easily tamed. The mature males weigh around 4.7 kg and the females 3.6 kg.