Toulouse - Goose
Toulouse geese are a breed that originates from France. There are two versions of this breed, Production and Dewlap. Production Toulouse have good population numbers and do not have a dewlap on their necks, while the Dewlap version does. They are a good meat breed that is a large size, and the Dewlap has been used to produce fois gras. The color varieties are black, grey and buff.
The females lay around 30 eggs per year, do go broody and are good mothers, although because of their large size it is not recommended that they sit on eggs. To be as fertile as other breeds, they should not be allowed to become overweight. The males can be aggressive in the breeding season. They are docile in temperament and like human company. They are active foragers that like to graze on short grass, and they enjoy water to bathe in. Mature males weigh around 13 kg and the females 10 kg.