VECTORMUNE® ND contains a genetically engineered Marek Disease virus of serotype 3 (turkey Herpesvirus or HVT) expressing a key protective antigen of Newcastle Disease virus. This Marek Disease vaccine containing serotype 3 is presented in a frozen cell-associated form.
VECTORMUNE® ND is recommended for use in healthy one-day-old chicks or in 18 to 19-day-old embryonated chicken eggs as an aid in the prevention of Newcastle Disease and Marek Disease.
Prior to use, the vaccine must be thawed and diluted appropriately with the
vaccine diluent as started in the package insert. Immediately use the vaccine
and mix occasionally to ensure uniform suspension of cells.
For in ovo administration, embryos are inoculated with one full dose of vaccine
(in 0,05 or 0,1 ml diluent / dose).
For day-old vaccination, one-day-old chicks are subcutaneously vaccinated
with one full dose of vaccine ( in 0,2 ml of diluent / dose) in the back of the
Store this vaccine in liquid nitrogen.
1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 dose ampules