VECTORMUNE® FP N is a genetically engineered, live Fowl Pox virus vaccine used for the vaccination of chickens and turkeys. The Fowl Pox virus has been genetically modified to contain and express key protective Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) antigens. This vaccine is presented in a freeze-dried preparation.
VECTORMUNE® FP N is indicated as an aid in the prevention of Fowl Pox and Newcastle Disease. VECTORMUNE® FP N is recommended for subcutaneous injection of healthy, FPV maternal antibody negative chickens at day of age or older or by wing web administration to FPV susceptible chickens at nine weeks of age or older. The vaccine may be used subcutaneously to turkeys 4 weeks of age or older. Turkeys receiving this vaccine must not have been previously exposed to fowl poxvirus either by vaccination or field exposure. Revaccination with POXIMUNE® may be necessary after 8 weeks of age if VECTORMUNE® FP N is used at day of age.
Subcutaneous: Administer 0.2 ml per chicken or turkey subcutaneously in the
loose skin on the back of the neck, just below the head.
Wing Web: Insert the applicator into the webbed portion of the wing avoiding
feathers, muscle, bone and blood vessels (0.01 ml dose/bird). Vaccine should
be used within one hour.
-Store vaccine between +2°C and 8°C or 35°F and 45°F
-Protect from light
10 X 500 dose vials with diluent
and wing web applicators
10 X 1,000 dose vials with diluent
and wing web applicators