Ceva - Together, beyond animal health2017 Annual Report Website
Ceva - Together, beyond animal health

Toltrazuril 2.5 g. Excipients qs 100 ml

Toltrazuril, the active ingredient in CEVAZURIL®, is a wide-spectrum anticoccidial agent belonging to the group of symmetrical triazinones. It acts on all the stages in the intracellular development of coccidia. This mode of action explains the efficacy observed after two days of treatment, whatever the stage of the infection. Toltrazuril is also active against Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis and Theileria. It can enhance immunity to coccidia and has a therapeutic index of 10 in birds.

Broiler chickens, pullets and breeders: prevention and treatment of avian coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mitis. Turkey: prevention and treatment of avian coccidiosis caused by Eimeria adenoides, E. meleagridis, E. meleagrimitis, E. gallopavonis

Oral administration (in drinking water).
  • The basic dosage regimen is 7 mg of Toltrazuril/kg body weight per day during two consecutive days.
  • This dose is obtained by mixing 28 ml of CEVAZURIL® in drinking water per 100 kg body weight.
  • Prevention: before high-risk periods (stress, vaccination…)
  • Treatment: with or without an anticoccidial present in feed, two consecutive days of treatment.

Alkaline solution, therefore all contact with the skin should be avoided.

Poultry: 12 days. Turkey: 14 days. Eggs: not to be administered to laying hens producing eggs intended for human consumption.

1L container


If you wish to contact Ceva please visit their contact page

Product indications, usage instructions & withdrawal periods may vary by Country.
Always follow label instructions and consult your veteriarian or poultry health adviser.

This page contains information on veterinary pharmaceutical and biological products that are sold in several different countries and areas where they may be marketed under different trade names and pursuant to different regulatory approvals. Accordingly, ThePoultrySite and CEVA SANTE ANIMALE give no guarantee that the details presented are correct with respect to all locations.

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