The Desvac Dovac automatic injector is Ceva's most successful equipment with thousands of units produced since 2005. It is designed for the vaccination of day old chicks subcutaneously in the neck or intra-muscularly in the leg.
- Pathologies: Marek, Gumboro, Newcastle Disease, Fowl Pox, Avian Influenza
- Ceva Vaccines: Cevac Transmune, Vectormune, Cevac Broiler ND K….
Key Features and Benefits
- Precise injection site
- Adjustable to any bird's size for best performance
- Accurate dosage for cost saving
- Specifically designed for the latest Ceva Vectors and Immuno-complex vaccine technology
- Unique technology for twin injection (oily and water based vaccines) with single needle
- User friendly , ergonomic design
- Resistant long lasting material