CIRCOMUNE® is a live Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus vaccine, Del Ros strain, for use in chickens using wing web administration. The vaccine is stable allowing it to be presented in a liquid, ready to use preparation that can be stored at 35 - 45°F (2 - 7°C).
CIRCOMUNE® is recommended for the active immunization of chickens against Chiken Anemia Virus. Maternal antibodies are transferred to progeny to aid in the prevention of disease caused by Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus.
Use only by wing web administration to healthy, susceptible chickens 9 to 12
weeks of age.
Wing Web: Insert the applicator into the webbed portion of the wing avoiding
feathers, muscle, bone and blood vessels (0.01 ml dose/bird). Vaccine should
be used within one hour.
- Store vaccine between
+2°C and +8°C or 35°F and 45°F
- Protect from light
10 X 1,000 dose vials and wing web applicators