CEVAC® NEW FLU H9 K contains H9N2 sub-type G1-like sub linage and La Sota strain of Newcastle Disease virus in inactivated form and concentrated form homogenized in oily adjuvant.
CEVAC® NEW FLU H9 K is recommended in the preventive vaccination of broilers and layers or breeders pullets against H9N2 sub-type of type-A Avian Influenza, and against Newcastle Disease (ND).
CEVAC® NEW FLU H9 K should be injected by subcutaneous or intramuscular route to:
- Broiler: Vaccination as from one day of age.
- Layers or breeders: Vaccination as from one day of age; two booster vaccinations are recommended during the pullet rearing, the last vaccination taking place 4 to 2 weeks before the onset of lay. According to the epidemiology situation, a fourth vaccination during lay can be implemented.
- Dosage: Young chick: 0,2 mL/bird. As from 2 weeks of age: 0,5 mL/bird.
Store vaccine between +2°C and +8°C
- Protect from light
- Do not freeze
Bottles of 500 ml:
Broilers at 0.2 ml dose / 2500 doses/bottle.
Layers or breeders pullets at 0.5 ml dose / 1000 doses/bottle.