Hog Slat galvanized triangular bar (TriDEK) flooring system is a great metal flooring option for nursery pig and farrowing barn applications. TriDEK floors are manufactured from rolled steel rod that has a tensile strength of 80,000 psi and hardness of 95 Rb. After being cut to length, the finished rolled TriDEK rods are then resistance welded to a 13/32' diameter cross rod. Hog Slat is the only manufacturer to offer resistance welded metal flooring solutions for the swine industry.
Resistance Welded
- Resistance welded TriDEK floors have an average weld strength of 7,500+ pounds, where traditional MIG welded floors average 5,500 pounds
- Resistance welding produces superior weld consistency and strength compared to MIG welded metal flooring
- Triangle bar shape and consistent resistance welded joints make TriDEK the cleanest metal pig flooring on the market today
TriDEK Specifications

Resistance welded TriDEK flooring is stronger than traditional MIG welded metal farrowing floor options.
- Triangular Rod Dimensions: 1/3' x 1/3' x 1/3'
- Rod Opening Spacing: 3/8'
- Finish: Hot-dipped galvanized to ASTM A123/A standards for long lasting protection and resistance to corrosion
Size & Finish Options
- TriDEK flooring can be manufactured up to 2.5' wide and up to 14" long
- Smooth or dimpled surface (no-slip) options
- Standard flat deck or traction-break deck top (for sows) designs
- Self-supported or non-supported designs available to fit different barn designs
TriDEK Flooring Options
TriDEK metal flooring sections are available in many different sizes and designs to provide durable floor solutions in both nursery and farrowing barn facilities.

Hog Slat TriDEK metal farrowing floor is available with traction breaks and n-slip grip indentions that provide variation in the flooring surface to give sows extra support when standing up or laying down.
Self-supported TriDEK floors have a truss system that eliminates the need for floor frames or other support methods. Self-supported TriDEK flooring can span up to 12' openings without additional support.
Non-supported TriDEK flooring does not have a truss system and must be supported with beams or frames.
Both self-supported and non-supported TriDEK flooring panels are available with these finished options:
Traction Breaks
- 5' wide by 3/8' deep indentions in the flooring help support the sow while standing and sitting
- Traction breaks create a variation in the flooring surface to reduce slippage and possible injury to the sow
- TriDEK flooring is available in both support styles, with or without traction breaks installed
- Traction breaks are not used in TriDEK nursery flooring applications
No-Slip Grip Indentions
- .5' x .025' indentions spaced every 5/16' on TriDEK flooring surface
- Grip indentions provide additional traction to support sow footing
- No-slip is primarily used in farrowing rooms
- No-slip grip indentions are optional on all TriDEK flooring styles
Cast & TriDEK Farrowing Floor Combo

Cast iron center sections help keep the sow cool and are supported by TriDEK creep flooring sections to complete the farrowing crate floor assembly.
Our cast iron and TriDEK farrowing floor combination creates a sturdy, comfortable environment for sows; which need to be kept cool, and piglets that need to be kept warm and clean as they begin to grow.
- A two-piece cast iron center section eliminates multiple joints in the flooring underneath a sow
- Sows cannot remove either cast flooring section because her weight is always present on both sections
- Self-supporting galvanized TriDEK creep sections lock the two-piece cast into a stable farrowing platform
- TriDEK creep flooring provides sure footing for growing pigs and stays cleaner than other flooring options on the market
TriDEK Floor Patches
TriDEK floor patches allow pork producers to cut out worn wire flooring sections and quickly replace them by dropping in a TriDEK flooring patch. TriDEK flooring patches are easier to install than other manufacturers' patches and stay cleaner than wire or cast iron.
Worn flooring can be patches in four easy steps:
- Cut out the section of damaged wire along floor frame supports
- Insert TriDEK patch into the floor, catching the Z-hooks under the frame support in the front of the cut out
- Pressing the TriDEK patch down locks the Z-hooks on the support without additional fasteners
- Farrowing crate leg anchor plates hold the TriDEK patch in place
TriDEK floor patches are available in a variety of sizes and widths to replace worn flooring in most common-sized farrowing pen setups. Custom sizes are also available to match your exact flooring layout.

Click the above image for more pictures
Manuals -
- TriDEK Flooring Systems Installation Manual Literature -
- TriDEK Flooring Information Flyer