Poultry Health Today
Poultry Health Today
Poultry Health Today, Issue 2Back to Contents

Zoetis launches new coccidiosis initiative

Targeting the global poultry industry's more than $3 billion1 in annual losses to coccidiosis, Zoetis Inc. recently introduced Rotecc™ Coccidiosis Management, a new, science-based initiative to help poultry producers develop more strategic, cost-effective and sustainable programs for battling the costly parasitic disease.

The Real World - Zoetis launches new coccidiosis initiative

"Overall, the poultry industry has done a commendable job managing coccidiosis. But clearly, when you look at billions of dollars in losses associated with the disease, there is still lots of room for improvement," says Mark LaVorgna, PhD, a nutritionist and global technical services director for the company.


Rotecc begins with a consultation by a Zoetis representative, who reviews a poultry operation's past and current programs, necropsy data and results from anticoccidial sensitivity testing, as well as seasonal preferences for product usage, production goals and management practices. Other variables such as feed costs and meat prices also are considered.

To facilitate the review, Zoetis has developed several digital tools to help producers and veterinarians tailor a long-term program to suit their individual needs. These include the Rotecc™ Program Advisor, an iPad app that initially will be available in the US, and a Rotecc™ Calculator, which will run on the iPad and Windows operating systems.

Don Waldrip, DVM, senior technical services veterinarian for the company, thinks poultry producers will benefit from thinking longer term — perhaps even 24 months ahead — when developing their coccidiosis-management programs.


"The more you plan ahead, the more rotation options you'll have available for effective coccidiosis management," says Waldrip. "That's important because it takes time to initiate effective rotation programs that will provide ample rest periods for each class of in-feed product."

While rotating anticoccidials is standard practice at commercial poultry farms, Waldrip says, "traditional thinking, old habits, cost considerations and the pressures to achieve optimal short-term performance can sometimes stand in the way of developing a longer term, sustainable strategy. Rotecc aims to put producers on the right track and, more importantly, keep them there."

Poultry Health Today, Issue 2Back to Contents

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