Poultry Health Today, Issue 3
Inside the Issue
Like a chess match, anticoccidial rotation is a game of strategy at wayne Farms
Rotating anticoccidials is a lot like playing chess, says Mark Burleson, DVM, head veterinarian at Wayne Farms. Your next move might address an immediate need, but it also could determine what pieces are still standing later in the match. It is, after all, a game of strategy.
Also in this issue

Special Report
- Raising Poultry Without Antibiotics
- Keys To Successful ABF Production
- What Poultry Is Really Raised Without Antibiotics?

Sound Science
- Sericea Lespedeza Found Ineffective For Coccidiosis Control In Chickens
- S. Heidelberg Colonization Reduced With In-Feed Combination Treatment
- Wet Litter, Footpad Dermatitis Tied To Reduced Broiler Performance

- Got Maxima? New Sampling Procedure Aids Detection In Broilers
- Reducing False Positives Pays In Elisa Mycoplasma Testing

Now Online

- Impact Of ‘Classic’ Reovirus Vaccine Antibodies Studied
- It’s Back: Zoamix® Adds Flexibility To Rotation Plans

The Last Word
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