Impact of new, used litter on Eimeria maxima immunity studied*
Using new or used litter appears to
make little difference in the acquisition of
immunity to Eimeria maxima among newly
hatched chicks, according to a University
of Arkansas study.
Investigators conducted two experiments
with chickens that were infected with
100 oocysts of E. maxima 18 hours after
hatching. The chickens were reared in floor
pens, where they were in contact with
their droppings.
In the first experiment, birds were placed
on new litter. In the second experiment,
they were placed on new litter or on used
litter obtained from the first experiment.
In both studies, the birds were challenged
periodically with E. maxima oocysts, then
immunity was assessed based on weight
gain and oocyst production, said the
investigators, Drs. S. Rayavarapu and
H. David Chapman.
"Judged by weight gain following challenge,
no significant difference in the
acquisition of immunity was observed
whether birds were reared on new or
reused litter," the investigators concluded.
*From the Poultry Science Association annual meeting
held July 2007 in San Antonio.
Spring 2008
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