WTO requires EU to reinstate low tariff for salted poultry imports
EU - The World Trade Organisation has demanded that the EU reinstates its special low import tariff for lightly salted poultry meat.
The WTO had earlier ruled in favour of Thailand and Brazil against the EU in a related case regarding higher tariffs on salted chicken imports from both countries.
The EU poultry processors' association, in response, expressed its concern that the WTO's decision could seriously damage the EU poultry industry through dumping of significantly cheaper chicken imports.
There were also concerns that non-European poultry exporters might be playing on a loophole in EU import classifications, which allowed raw poultry meat to be imported at a greatly reduced tariff if salt had been added to the meat to a minimum level of 1.2 percent.
The EU's intention was reportedly to halt a trend of massive imports of salted poultry meat over recent years, through reclassifying such products under a higher tariff.
Source: eFeedLink - 6th July 2005