Sensitive salmonella detection
EU - A new testing kit for Salmonella promises to give the most sensitive detection results in less than a day, its manufacturers claim.Salmonella is one of the food industry's most problematic food-poisoning bacteria. In 2004 the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases in humans were salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis, with the most deadly being listerious, according to a European Commission report. Eggs, poultry meat and pork are the major sources of human Salmonella infections.
Oxoid claims its DuPont lateral flow system Salmonella test has the ability to detect one colony forming unit of Salmonella in a 25g food sample within 24 hours.
The kit has it's own primary enrichment medium for testing that facilitates the recovery of sub-lethally injured and healthy cells in only five hours for more reliable results. Oxoid claims that the product worked perfectly in two controlled line tests.
Source: LabTechnologist