Weekly US Broiler Hatchery Report: Egg Sets, Chicks Placed Down
US - Broiler-Type Eggs Set In 19 Selected States Down 2 Percent, report the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).Broiler-Type Eggs Set In 19 Selected States Down 3 Percent
Commercial hatcheries in the 19-State weekly program set 197 million eggs in incubators during the week ending October 21, 2006. This was down 3 percent from the eggs set the corresponding week a year earlier.
Average hatchability for chicks hatched during the week was 83 percent. Average hatchability is calculated by dividing chicks hatched during the week by eggs set three weeks earlier.
Broiler Chicks Placed Down 1 Percent
Broiler growers in the 19-State weekly program placed 165 million chicks for meat production during the week ending October 21, 2006. Placements were down 1 percent from the comparable week a year earlier.
Cumulative placements from January 1, 2006 through October 21, 2006 were 7.29 billion, down 1 percent from the same period a year earlier.
To view the full report, including tables, please click here (PDF Format)
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