New Extension Publication Gives the ‘Poop’ on Manure
US - Proper management systems are needed to handle, store, treat and utilize animal manure in a safe and environmentally sound manner, a Texas Cooperative Extension expert said.And the first step to design a good management system is to know the characteristics of manure produced by different livestock, said Dr. Saqib Mukhtar, Extension agricultural engineer.
To help plan manure management systems and assess physical, chemical (plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and the heat content of animal waste, a new publication, "Manure Production and Characteristics," has been released by Extension.
The publication provides a comprehensive look at the volume and characteristics of manure by species, Mukhtar said.
It also includes tables that show estimates of the total manure and poultry litter produced and total solids, nutrients, and heat content of manure from various animal types on a daily "as excreted" and on an annual "as is" or "dry basis," he said.