VIV Russia 2007 - Big Dutchman-Technologies Generate Interest
RUSSIA - At VIV Russia 2007 (May 21 – 23, Moscow) Big Dutchman once again displayed an ample range of innovative products for modern pig and poultry management. Both the multi-tier broiler cage Avimax and the modular climate and production computer Viper generated a considerable amount of interest among poultry producers.The latter can be used in broiler production as well as for laying hens and breeder management and provides for all relevant climate and production functions. Avimax is an intelligent solution for broiler management in regions with rough climate conditions: Multi-tier management allows for higher stocking densities as well as efficient production results.
Find more detailed information below:
New: Avimax – The modern broiler cage
Avimax: the modern broiler cage. |
Avimax is a new broiler cage system developed by Big Dutchman which meets even highest demands.
Nowadays, many countries rear and fatten broilers in floor production. But, for example, large regions in the Russian Federation or areas in the Middle East with very cold winters and / or extremely hot summers require a different production method. In these regions, costs for heating / cooling for conventional floor production can quickly become an expense factor that should not be underestimated. In addition, there are countries where building ground is limited and therefore very expensive. For these regions, multi-tier broiler management is an ideal alternative to achieve more efficient production results and higher stocking densities.
In the above mentioned areas the cage production system Avimax is more advantageous than floor production. These are some of the most important advantages of Avimax:
- Litter-free broiler finishing on soft plastic flooring:
- no litter costs
- no mycosis caused by litter
- minimized coccidiosis risk
- reduced requirement for medication
- Optimal broiler feeding with well-proven feed pan FLUXX
- 360°- flooding mechanism for an ideal chick start
- seven wings at the outer cylinder prevent feed losses
- soft pan rim prevents breast injuries in the final finishing period
- Well-proven drinking system with hygienic nipple drinkers
- adequate amounts of clean and hygienic drinking water
- centralized winch allows for easy height adjustment of the drinker line according to the birds’ age
- Easy placement and moving out of birds as the entire cage front can be simply opened by folding the front grid to the inside.
- Easy manure removal as the mat’s mash size of 13.5 x 14.8mm allows for very good manure penetration. Thus, the birds hardly get into contact with their droppings.
To sum things up, the new Avimax broiler cage offers ideal conditions for the birds. The individual compartments provide every bird with a good start, as each bird has free and easy access to feed and water. The distances are very short, so there is no need for supplementary feed on paper. Rearing and finishing in small groups also provides less stress for the animals. This leads to a better uniformity, better feed conversion and higher end weights. Based on our successful tests, cage production should be considered even if the above described reasons – climate, limited ground – do not apply.
New: the modular climate and production computer Viper
Viper is Big Dutchman’s new modular climate and production computer for poultry houses (broiler production, laying hens and breeder management).
Climate computer Viper
The modular climate and production computer Viper. |
Viper can be used for all established types of ventilation, including side-, cross-, tunnel- or Combi-tunnel ventilation. The system controls inlet and exhaust based on in-house and outside temperatures as well as the age of the birds. Viper allows for high-precision climate control in Ultimatic Mode; an integrating PID control helps to achieve an optimum house climate.
Viper includes the following climate control features: it is possible to connect up to eight sensors for inside temperature and to control up to six heaters. The system is prepared for connection of a newly developed CO2 sensor by Big Dutchman to control minimum ventilation based on the CO2 content in the house air. In addition, Viper can raise or decrease the house temperature based on the age of the birds.
Production computer Viper
At the same time, Viper registers all important data concerning production, growth, feed and water consumption. Thus all substantial production functions are successfully covered and, if required, can also be transferred to a PC via network.
Some of Viper’s production control features include: depending on the requirements, the birds' feed consumption can be recorded — total, daily, by means of a silo or pulse scale. Viper also allows to control target feeding through two different hoppers thus ensuring optimum conditions for broiler breeder management (separate male feeding). Additional functions: recording of water consumption, light control and connection of up to two bird scales.
Big Dutchman’s Viper not only combines the most important climate and production functions but, thanks to its large graphical display, it is also very easy-to-use. As a result, the climate and production computer allows the farmer to react quickly to any changes occurring during production and to take the required action: for better production performance and a higher yield!