New Cloned Vaccine for Newcastle Disease
GERMANY - A new live vaccine for the control of Newcastle disease has been launched by German vaccine specialist, Lohmann Animal Health. Known as AviPro ND C131 and suitable for broilers, layers and breeders, it is produced from a cloned strain of the La Sota virus.Newcastle disease, also known as pseudo-fowl pest, is highly contagious and one of the most devastating poultry diseases, typically resulting in high mortality in infected flocks. Cloned vaccines have the advantage of being more stable than mixed virus strain vaccines because they contain only one set of 'genetic information'. Batch-related differences decrease giving more predictable performance.
AviPro ND C131 has received European registration and is licensed for use on chicks from 14 days old. It can be administered through the drinking water, via spray or by eye-drop. For commercial layers, re-vaccination during the laying period is possible.
The vaccine is available in packs of 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10,000 doses.