Stanly Considered for New Poultry Litter Power Plant

US - Stanly County offered a warm welcome to Fibrowatt, a Pennsylvania-based power plant development company that may bring a $200 million plant to the community.
calendar icon 7 December 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
“We want people to have concerns and we want to be held to a high standard in the community.”

Fibrowatt founder and CEO Rupert Fraser

Fibrowatt founder and CEO Rupert Fraser, along with numerous staff, addressed Stanly County officials, farmers and residents at an open house Tuesday that was designed to offer detailed information and answers about the company’s poultry litter powered operations.

“The local reception is enthusiastic and interested,” Fraser said. “We want people to have concerns and we want to be held to a high standard in the community.”

Fraser, who founded the company with his father, created the world’s first three poultry litter-fired power plants in the U.K. during the 1990s.

Together, those plants, which are completely odorless, serve 150,000 homes with the energy produced by poultry litter and other biomass fuels.

With 15 years of experience as the world’s first developer of poultry litter-fired power plants, Fraser said Fibrowatt provides a logistics solution for poultry litter management while generating renewable energy.

Fibrowatt communities benefit not only from the management of poultry litter, but also from several hundred construction jobs, full-time jobs, protection of poultry industry jobs and family farms, increased local wages and tax base and alternative energy generation.


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