New Website for Cobb Germany In Seven Languages
GERMANY - A new website providing technical information for Cobb customers in central and eastern Europe in their own language has been launched by Cobb Germany — www.cobbgermany.deThe company, which distributes Cobb broiler breeding stock in 20 countries throughout the region, has made the data available in Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian and Russian.
“Our new website provides direct contact with technical colleagues in their native language,” says Jan Mascheck, marketing project manager of Cobb Germany. “We’ve started with seven languages and will gradually extend this so that one day all our customers will have the opportunity to obtain information in their own language.”
The newly revised Booklet for Broiler Farmers is featured on the website and can be ordered digitally or in a printed A5 form. It provides a guide to growing the Cobb 500 broiler successfully, with particular attention on house preparation, feeding, lighting and ventilation, and includs a check-list which summarises the main points of broiler management.
The guide can be obtained from your technical service manger, or direct by faxing +49 9402 930750 or e-mailing [email protected]