Changes to Chick and Eggs Regulations
UK - The UK's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is to update the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations.The 2008 update will incorporate the latest European legislation and remove obsolete references.
The Eggs and Chicks Regulations 2007 need amending because the references will be repealed on 1 July.
They refer to the European Council Regulation (EC) No 2782/75 on the production and marketing of eggs for hatching and of farmyard poultry chicks, and to Council Regulation (EC) No 1028/06 on certain marketing standards for eggs. The Eggs and Chicks Regulations also refer to Commission Regulations (EC) No 1868/77 and No 557/07, which lay down detailed rules for the implementation of the Council Regulations and which will both be repealed and replaced from July by corresponding Regulations (which have currently been adopted but not yet published in the Official Journal of the EC).
The Eggs and Chick (England) Regulations 2007 and 2008 apply to England. Separate but similar legislation will be made by Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Defra said that the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2008 will revoke and replace the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007 2245), but will make no changes of substance and they will not have a great impact on the industry.
Now Defra is calling for any comments on the changes to be registered with them by 23 May.