Ban on Maize Exports Welcomed by Poultry Industry
INDIA - The export of maize has been banned until 15 October.The Hindu reports that the industry has been demanding the ban on maize and soybean meal for some time in order to control price rises that have occurred as the result of forward trading and hoarding.
On 30 June, a delegation of poultry farmers from the Namakkal Zone of Egg Co-ordination Committee (NECC) met the Union Minister of Agriculture Sharad Pawar in New Delhi to state their case.
The Minister told the delegation that he would do what was necessary, and that he would also look into the possibility of extending an interest subvention of 8 per cent on bank loans to poultry farmers.
NECC Chairman, Dr P. Selvaraj said that the ban will bring down the prices of maize in the local market.