Possible Poultry Plant Problems
Adena, Ohio — Several residents at the Mineral City Village Council meeting Monday expressed concerns about a possible poultry growing and composting facility being built on about 237 acres that have been stripped just west of the town.The land is owned by Eaton Property Limited LLC, whose principal owner is Norm Shetler, a developer who is interested in annexing the property into the village, according to The Times-Reporter.
At the council meeting on 28 July, Kevin Gluntz, co-owner of Mother Earth Compost, said the property has not been purchased and his firm is looking at other sites.
He also said stripped land is less expensive than farmland to purchase. Gluntz was not aware of the flooding on Route 800 and the fact there would be no exit for trucks to remove waste from the site. He said that is a concern for the company.
Mayor Rick Cain said Mr Gluntz has told him he has not reached an agreement with Mr Shetler.