Global Experts Spotlight Poultry Sector at EuroTier
GERMANY - The traditional Poultry Event and a new Poultry Panel have been organised for show visitors involved in this industry on 10 November.The traditional Poultry Event on the eve of EuroTier 2008 is staged in the Congress Centre on November 10 this year with an additional Poultry Panel in the afternoon that includes expert presentations on poultry production in Brazil, USA, Australia and Germany. In the evening, the Poultry Event includes a keynote speech from Rick Greubel, Tyson Group.
Some 400 international poultry experts are expected to attend both events to network and join discussions on what has been an action packed year for the sector worldwide. The input from experts across the globe aims to give everyone present an in-depth overview of future developments.
International Poultry Panel and Poultry Event
Convention Centre (CC) at Hanover Exhibition GroundsProgramme
15.30 Panel discussion:Welcome: EPC-president G. Wagner
European Poultry Club - Outlook for the world egg and poultry market
James H. Sumner, IPC-President, USA
Christian Lohbauer, ABEF, Brazil
Frank Pace, IEC-President, Australia
Gert Stuke, EUWEP-President, Germany
Moderator: Gordon Butland, Thailand
18.00 Finish
19.30 International Poultry event
Welcome speeches:
EPC/ZDG-President Gerhard Wagner
DLG President Carl-Albrecht Bartmer
Keynote-speaker: Rick Greubel, Tyson Group
Conference language: English (simultaneous translation into German)
Admission to the Poultry Panel and Poultry Event is free with personal invitation/prior registration. Both events are organised by the European Poultry Club (EPC) and DLG. Please contact Heidy Schonebeck ([email protected]) for more information on these events.
EuroTier 2008, the world's largest exhibition for professional animal husbandry, will take place in the city of Hanover, Germany on 11-14 November 2008.
You can find out more about EuroTier 2008 by clicking here.