Russia and Ukraine's Co-operative Venture
GERMANY - The organisers of EuroTier 2008 have set up an Eastern European Conference to focus on Russia and Ukraine's Co-operative Venture in Animal Production.At EuroTier's third eastern Europe conference, which takes place at the Convention Centre (CC) on 12 November, politicians and agribusiness experts will be addressing the future prospects and challenges for the animal production industry in Russia and Ukraine. Speaker presentations will cover the current operating environment, the potential for development as well as financing possibilities. Practical experiences of a German and Russian co-operative venture will be shared.
The East European conference takes place within EuroTier at the Congress Centre in Hall 3A from 10:00 to 13:00.
The DLG Committee International Partnership, the working group society of German animal breeders (ADT) and the working group committee of eastern agribusiness of German business (die Arbeitsgruppe Agrarwirtschaft des Ostausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft) are the conference organisers
The conference, which provides a platform for discussion to facilitate international co-operation is aimed at professionals in the animal production industry in both East and West Europe. Some 300 international attendees are expected, drawn from commercial business, science and academia. EuroTier traditionally attracts thousands of visitors from Russia and Ukraine and is considered the place where East meets West.
Developments in the animal production sector in Russia and Ukraine also affect the worldwide market. Experts from various countries will be able to obtain an overview of current and likely future trends and will be updated on the modernisation currently underway along with the challenges being faced by these two countries. These themes will be expanded upon in a number of presentations.
Welcome:Reimer Böge, President of the German Animal Breeders Federation (ADT)
Dr. Franz-Georg von Busse, Chairman of the Working Group Agriculture – Committee Eastern European Economic Relations
Dr Gerd Müller, Member of the German Parliament, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Moderator and Discussion Chairman:
Dr Hans-Peter Schons, General Manager of the German Animal Breeders Federation (ADT), Bonn/Brussels
Perspectives of animal production in Russia against the background of the state programme for developing agriculture 2012
Vassilij Schapotschkin – Director of the Departement of Animal Production and Animal Breeding at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Perspectives for animal production in Ukraine
Dr Alexej Lissitsa, President of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB), Ukraine
Case study – The German-Russian cooperation project Milk Value Chain Kaliningrad
Dr Alexander Töws, Project Manager, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
Case study: Designing and optimising a large-scale dairy cattle facility in Russia
Franz-Josef Lichte, Senior Area Manager East Europe, WestfaliaSurge Deutschland GmbH, Bönen
Results of an analysis of the Russian markets for pigs and pig meat
Dimitri Rylko, Director General IKAR, Moscow
Instruments of animal farming promotion of the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Gunther Beger, Head of Department International Projects, Coordination of Export Affairs, BMELV, Berlin
Closing address:
Professor Dr Volker Hoffmann, Chairman of the DLG International Partnership Committee
Visitors at EuroTier enter for free. All presentations will be simultanously interpreted (in German, English and Russian).
Further information about the eastern Europe conference are available from Stephanie Jürgens ([email protected]).
EuroTier 2008, the world's largest exhibition for professional animal husbandry, will take place in the city of Hanover, Germany on 11-14 November 2008.
You can find out more about EuroTier 2008 by clicking here.