Turkish Establishments Approved to Export to EU
TURKEY - Seven Turkish companies have been listed as approved to export processed poultry products to the EU from 29 March 2009.The Turkish poultry sector has grown enormously, reaching a production level of 1,203,000
MT in 2008 compared to 752,000 MT in 2000 and 217,000 MT in 1990. In 2008, 1,170,000
MT of chic ken meat and 33,000 MT of turkey meat was produced.
There are approximately 12,650 broiler and 2,800 egg poultry houses. Over 500,000 people
are employed in the sector, including producers, farmers, traders, feed, medicine, related
industry, transportation and marketing, and some 2 million people rely on it to make a
living. Annual turnover of the sector is about US $3 billion.
The poultry meat production capacity of Turkey (based on double shifts) is 4,500 MT per
day, and 1,400,000 MT annually. The capacity utilization rate at the slaughter houses and
breeding poultry houses is approximately 80 per cent.
In September 2003 a technical mission from the EU inspected six slaughter houses in
Turkey and issued a report that Turkey could be admitted to the list of third countries
authorized to export fresh poultry meat to the EU.
On 24 January 2005, another technical mission went to Turkey and inspected the
application of “Residue Monitoring Plan” submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Affairs to the EU. The mission’s April 2005 report stated that “ A framework for residue
controls generally in line with EU requirements is now in place .”
The Standing Committee Food Chain and Animal Health consisting in January, 2006, issued
a decision regarding “milk and milk products” and “poultry meat and products” that “Turkey
could be admitted to the list of third countries whose residue monitoring plans had been
accepted.” The decision entered into force but was suspended due to the Avian Influenza
outbreak in Turkey in October 2005
Subsequently the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) made an application for
imports of poultry meat subject to heat treatment, and in April 2007 an FVO mission
inspected slaughter houses, processing departments, laboratories and Avian Influenza
control measures. The mission report indicated that the inspected facilities for the most
part met EU norms and that MARA guarantees could be sufficient to overcome any
After the final report of the FVO mission was submitted to SANCO, the list of Turkish
companies whose products could be imported into the EU and the relevant health certificate
information was published on the SANCO web page on 16 March 2009.
By this decision, the companies (please see link below), which have 70 per cent market share in Turkey,
can export poultry products processed at more than 70 0C to EU countries from 29 March 2009.
As for highly processed poultry products, Turkey is estimated to have exported 298 MT of
processed poultry products in 2008, mainly to the Middle East Countries. Exports of
processed products have been declining, from 1,897 MT in 2006 to 618 MT in 2007, because
of reduced purchases by China, previously the top customer.
The poultry industry association believe that approval for poultry exports to EU, even if only
for processed products, is a great boost to the reputation of their companies. They
anticipate exporting not only to the EU but also more to the Middle East and Former Soviet
Union countries. The association forecasts exports of 4,000 MT of processed poultry
products in CY 2009 and 15,000 MT in CY 2010.
Further Reading
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