Another Company Involved in Egg Recall

US - The recall of shell eggs with possible Salmonella enteritidis contamination has been extended to cover those from another company, Hillandale Farms of Iowa.
calendar icon 22 August 2010
clock icon 2 minute read

Through tracebacks conducted as part of its ongoing investigation into the increase of Salmonella Enteritidis illnesses nationwide, FDA and the State of Minnesota identified Hillandale Farms in Iowa as a second potential source of contaminated shell eggs.

Eggs affected by this latest recall are distributed under the following brand names: Hillandale Farms, Sunny Farms and Sunny Meadow in six-egg cartons, dozen-egg cartons, 18-egg cartons, 30-egg package and five-dozen cases. Loose eggs are packaged under the following brand names: Wholesome Farms and West Creek in 15 and 30-dozen tray packs. The loose eggs may also be repackaged by customers.

Eggs involved in this related recall are only eggs with the following plant numbers:

  • P1860– Julian (production) numbers ranging from 099 to 230
  • P1663 – Julian (production) numbers ranging from 137 to 230

FDA continues to have on-site investigators at Hillandale Farms of Iowa, Inc. and Wright County Egg in Iowa.

For consumer enquiries, call 888-INFO-FDA.

Further Reading

- Go to our previous news item on this story by clicking here.
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