Egg Recall Extended as More Report Illness

US - Wright County Egg has expanded the nationwide voluntary recall of shell eggs because of possible health risk.
calendar icon 19 August 2010
clock icon 4 minute read

The following statement was released by officials of Wright County Egg regarding the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) investigation of potential incidence of Salmonella enteritidis (SE):

Wright County Egg of Galt, Iowa is expanding its voluntary recall (original recall date: 13 August 2010) of specific Julian dates of shell eggs produced by their farms because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella is an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections, endocarditis or arthritis.

Eggs affected by the expanded recall were distributed to food wholesalers, distribution centres and food-service companies in California, Arizona, Missouri, Minnesota, Texas, Georgia, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Illinois, Utah, Nebraska, Arkansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma. These companies distribute nationwide.

Eggs are packaged under the following brand names: Albertsons, Farm Fresh, James Farms, Glenview, Mountain Dairy, Ralphs, Boomsma, Lund, Kemps and Pacific Coast. Eggs are packed in varying sizes of cartons (six-egg cartons, dozen egg cartons, 18-egg cartons, and loose eggs for institutional use and repackaging) with Julian dates ranging from 136 to 229 and plant numbers 1720 and 1942.

Dates and codes can be found stamped on the end of the egg carton or printed on the case label. The plant number begins with the letter P and then the number. The Julian date follows the plant number, for example: P-1720 223.

Prior recall

Eggs under the recall of 13 August 2010 are packaged under the following brand names: Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph's, Boomsma's, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms and Kemps. Eggs are packed in varying sizes of cartons (6-egg cartons, dozen egg cartons, 18-egg cartons, and loose eggs for institutional use and repackaging) with Julian dates ranging from 136 to 225 and plant numbers 1026, 1413 and 1946.

There have been confirmed Salmonella enteritidis illnesses relating to the shell eggs and trace-back investigations are ongoing.

Wright County Egg is fully cooperating with FDA's investigation by undertaking this voluntary recall. The company says its primary concern is keeping Salmonella out of the food supply and away from consumers. As a precautionary measure, Wright County Egg also has decided to divert its existing inventory of shell eggs from the recalled plants to a breaker, where they will be pasteurised to kill any Salmonella bacteria present.

Consumers who believe they may have purchased these shell eggs should not eat them but should return them to the store where they were purchased for a full refund. This recall is of shell eggs only. Other egg products produced by Wright County Eggs are not affected. Consumers with questions should visit or call Wright County's toll-free information number (866-272-5582), which contains a message outlining recall instructions for consumers.

Wright County Egg is undertaking this additional recall to further protect the safety of consumers. This voluntary measure is consistent with our commitment to egg safety, and it is its responsibility.

Further Reading

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