Korean Ambassador Optimistic FTA Will be Ratified
US - Han Duk-soo, Korea’s ambassador to the United States, is optimistic that Congress will pass the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement when President Barack Obama submits it for ratification.Speaking at a town hall forum sponsored by the American Farm Bureau Federation addressing trade’s impact on the farm gate during the Ag Connect Expo, Mr Han said the president is expected to submit the treaty for ratification soon. Once submitted, Congress has 60 days to ratify the agreement. President Obama strongly backs the agreement and it has the support of all US industry, including the automotive industry and the United Auto Workers, Han said.
“My hope is that the agreement will be finalized by the end of June at the latest,” Mr Han said. “I think it will get done.”
The ambassador said all US industries will benefit from passage of the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement, but American agriculture has the most to gain. “That’s because America’s farmers and ranchers are the most productive, the most efficient and the most profitable in the world,” he said.
In a news conference following his talk, Mr Han said the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement delivers “100 percent benefits” to US agriculture. “I see no downsides to US agriculture,” he said.