New Salmonella Cases Linked to Eating Ducks Eggs

IRELAND - Two cases of Salmonella poisoning have occurred in the last few weeks, with duck eggs being blamed as the source of infection.
calendar icon 27 April 2011
clock icon 3 minute read

A warning about a food poisoning outbreak related to duck eggs was issued by health bosses last week, according to The Herald of Ireland.

The infection took 18 people to hospital last year and now a further two cases have been reported in the last month – one in the east and one in the west of the country.

The latest cases follow a nationwide outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium DT8 associated with duck eggs last year where 32 people contracted the infection.

Salmonella can cause very serious illness in the very young and the elderly. The symptoms of salmonella typhimurium DT8 infection can include diarrhoea, stomach cramps, vomiting and fever.

Last year's cases were spread right across the country and microbiological evidence pointed to duck eggs as the most likely culprit.

Further investigations identified the bug in several egg-laying duck flocks and control measures were put in place.

In addition, the Minister for Agriculture signed a new law to control this infection in ducks and duck eggs. The measures included a salmonella control plan, testing, sampling and registration arrangements.

There were fears that infection might reappear when the laying season began again in the spring. Ducks naturally produce fewer eggs in winter because of falling temperatures and light levels.

The Herald reports that consumers are advised to check guidelines for the safe handling, storage and cooking of duck eggs. They need to be cooked with greater care than hens' eggs and should only be eaten when both white and yolk are solid, say health experts. Dishes containing them should also be cooked until they are piping hot all the way through and duck eggs should not be used for lightly cooked items like mayonnaise.

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